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Echo of You 2023

[CPH:DOX '24] These individual interviews of men and women who have lost their partners ends up forming a mosaic that has a poetic tone and that is revealed as an intimate approach to absence. Various topics are addressed that alternate with interesting visual resources: spaces that seem to have been occupied by the missing people, as if they had left suddenly: the water from the kitchen tap running, the television on, the scooter engine functioning... as if wanting to represent that everything continues despite the absences. And it also surrounds the interviewees with a visual poetics, illuminating them with chiaroscuro, recovering their memories through projections of home videos on the wall, making them close their eyes to feel the presence of their partners. The film's approach could have taken the risk of falling into sentimentality, but although it is an expression of deep love, it is made with so much respect and delicacy that it ends up being moving.

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