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Freelance 2023

Cheesy but entertaining, with some good misdirection. Switched off my brain and enjoyed the ride.

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It's always a pleasure to see Alison Brie, especially almost naked. John Cena is also good.
And don't forget - a man who touches the honey will eventually lick his fingers.

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I thought them being chased by a helicopter is the stupidest scene in a movie ever. Boy, was I wrong. They topped that with the jeep-horse chase.

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Typical US action movie, the likes of which I haven't seen fro a few years

Mercenary turns out to be a good guy
South Africans are bad mercenaries
South American dictators turn out to be good (and snappy dressers)
Helpless women turns out to be awesome heroine
Non Americans can't shot with any accuracy

It's all here. But lets face it - we don't watch this for the socially conscious realistic plot. We watch it for the fighting and the shooting and for John Cena to show his muscly bits. And it's fine for that, Turn off your brain (a really large amount of your brain...) and enjoy

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Like a half-off coupon for a good action comedy: not worth a lot.

John Cena is fun when he stays in his range and Alison Brie is my favorite Hollywood cheese but they have too little to work with here.

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This movie was probably better than it had any right to be. John Cena is as likeable as he usually is, and Alison Brie brings credibility to the film. While it may seem like a throwaway action comedy, there is a decent amount of depth to the story. I enjoyed it.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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This was fun enough. There wasn't really a whole lot new, different or exciting, but it was a fun watch nonetheless.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This movie seems like it was written and directed by Deadpool. Just imagine he wanted to make a family-friendly action/adventure film with a bit of macho humor from the '90s, and the entire script was done with stick figure drawings. In other words, the film doesn't take itself seriously, even in the parts where it tries. The performances are caricatures, the jokes are on the edge between being funny and not funny at all. The action is a bit above what you would expect from a film that doesn't take itself seriously. I can only imagine that this movie is for a laid-back movie session with friends.

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John Cena and Alison Brie aren't great at picking the right movie roles. This one is another dud that is only worth watching if you're a fan of its two stars.

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Didn't like it. Didn't feel chemistry between the main characters, the third wheel was mostly annoying, the fight scenes were not too good acted, even the slight cgi was shitty (specially on the horse run). I know John Cena, even that he has the same range of emotions as a 2x4, can be funny if he wants to. But the humor in here didn't stick, it was weird or just not funny. The plot is mediocre at best. It's a 3 for me, and mostly because of the eye candy of Alison Brie (which until the first half of the movie with the ponytail wasn't even that)

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Half naked Alison Brie is probably the best thing I saw in this.
I honestly never laughed once.
John Cena was fine, but the writing lets him down especially when it comes to comedic moments which of course you tend to see him at he’s best.
30mins too long for this type of movie. The action scenes got worse and worse. I didn’t expect much from the plot so that wasn’t an issue. CG is laughable.

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Not a risky movie at all. Yes it had a lot of cheesy scenes, but entertaining. Is it a MUST WATCH? Sure, just switch off your brain and watch.

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Best Comedy was Alison Brie's face edited on somebody else while riding horse

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It's meant to be on the fun side. A bit unrealistic but I was entertained. 6/10 for me.

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A surprisingly good movie. I just got tired of scrolling through movie after movie and begrudgingly settled on this one and I was glad it happened to be the movie I randomly picked.

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This movie is incredibly bad. And the Brazilian dubbing hired also left a lot to be desired. An unwatchable film both with audio in Portuguese and with original audio.

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There is lot of violence and action but is mostly comedy. It was funny at times And I really loved the hand combat scenes! It's worth checking out this is a fun and exciting movie for adults.

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Pretty awful cgi and bad acting. Alison's t&a couldn't save this film.

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when finishing this movie, the only think that comes to mind is "WHY?" like it feels like whoever wrote this had ADHD and kept forgetting the theme he was writing.
I think John Cena is an ok actor (Amazon seems to think he's the new Sasha Baron Cohen seeing they're putting him everywhere) and I love Alison brie In almost anything she has been In but this one was just... bad?
we start as a comedy ( very deadpan and not really funny) then it's a action movie(John Cena needs to show the muscles and guns), then it's a romcom for bros (with literally NO chemistry from anyone involved), then its a political conspiracy movie (because why not) then it's back to being an action movie (because explosions) and we're just jumping around all the plot holes and characters written with close to no motivation besides the bare minimum to keep the plot together.
none of the characters are likeable or interesting enough to redeem the fact they're not likeable... it's just a big miss in all areas it tries to cover.

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A cross between "Romancing the Stone" and a bad political thriller trying to sell a serious message... it was mediocre.

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Don't take the movie too seriously and it's actually very enjoyable.
Of course it's a story copy/paste from at least 144 other movies which are exactly 100% the same plot and story.

The woke level is amazingly low, as in 0. Quite surprising.

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I really hate Claire Wellington. That's all I have to say.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - It's a feel-good popcorn action film

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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It was a great easy watching movie that was entertaining

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This was so poor. There was no reason, no reason at all, that this film should've been made. Jacob Lentz had zero business writing a movie . I wouldn't trust him to write an e-mail let alone a film. This should not have been labeled a comedy, as there wasn't a single funny or amusing thing that happened during the entirety of it. It was also about 30 minutes too long. This was a huge swing and a miss.

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Movie it self is not great, 5/6 at most. But for el presidente I give it a 7. This dude carried the movie! Started kinda slow, but ended up being a pretty enjoyable movie. Fun to watch when you want to turn of your head and just watch a movie.

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comical far cry's rip off

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Definitely the best in this is president Vargas, John cena did what he is capable of, and Alison Brie fails completely

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Wow... really bad. Can't believe people actually got a paycheck for this. The writers should be taken out and shot.


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one of the worst films iv seen this year , don't waste your energy or Electricity give it 1/10

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