Personal Lists featuring...

Harvest 2019


List created and maintained by

Movie Animation (No anime) 2020 to 20xx


List created and maintained by

animated movies 2000 to 20xx


01–18 / competition

19–33 / encounters

34–53 / berlinale special

54–88 / panorama

89–112 / berlinale shorts

113–147 / forum
148–174 / forum expanded
175–203 / forum & forum expanded. 2020 anniversary programme

204–262 / generation

263–271 / perspektive deutsches kino

272–306 / retrospective. "king vidor"
307–311 / hommage. helen mirren
312–327 / special programme. “on transmission”
328–333 / berlinale classics
334 / countdown

335–347 / berlin critics' week

348–355 / berlinale series


The Package. The Pandemonium. The Proud Pony Numero Two. The Paragon. The Paradox-o-logico Pissed Prospect. The Poker Prefaced Pinocchio Pair. The Paper-Pumpin' Philanthropy-Purgin' Psychic. The Pied Piping Pagan. The Blundering-Plundering Partly-Resented Resettlement. The Patriotic Perished Anti-Pacifist. The Persistent Pingu-Postin' Propaganda Seized Cureall.
The 'Past is the Past' Presenting Purple-Turnin' Possessed Pastor Priest. The Peanut Pastry Feast's Pirate President.
The Pathetic, wretched, principled page-portioned population-aimed partition. The powerful enough to probably level a whole prefecture prevailing phenomena.
Just one more prize-plucked public proximity probe mastered by me. A little elbow grease & pound for pound paradigm pushed all-the-boys-wanna-pounce pregnant princess.....reincarnated by me. me. me.
The newest project, by me. Miracled, you could say, by me.
And you best hope.

Not picked by you.
