Personal Lists featuring...

Killer Nerd 1991


You've probably never heard or seen these horror movies before, but if you're a horror fan, give them a try.


Comedy horror. Updated monthly.


Update 01/05/2024: Shortly before Rooster Teeth announced they will be shutting down in March 2024, all episodes of Theater Mode were removed from their website, likely due to expiring licencing agreements. However, all episodes are available to watch on the Internet Archive.

Movies featured on Theater Mode (includes movies from TM: AH, TM: FH & TM: CW)

Theater Mode AUX movies are NOT included on this list.

Movies missing from the list:
- A Zombie Croc
- The Thingy

The following movies were featured on more than one edition of the show but only appear once on the list:
Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo (AH, FH)
The Los Angeles Ripper (aka L.A. Maniac) (AH, CW)
Sgt. Kabukiman NYPD (AH, FH)
Sharkenstein (AH, FH)
Surf Nazis Must Die (AH, CW)
Time Barbarians (AH, CW)
Zombie Island Massacre (AH, FH)

Last updated 31/07/2019


Great movies to watch in groups, with lots of popcorn! :) Updated weekly
