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Love Shack 2010

This is a mockumentary - following in line with others like: Best in Show, and A Mighty Wind - about porn.
Surprisingly, and perhaps sadly, there is no nudity.
The movie does have a strong first, and second act, but the ending is weak. It's not very funny, however it does a great job of building a believable world for its characters, while keeping the tone balanced. I really liked the mythology built around Mo Saltzman.
What makes movies like this work is that we are seeing what the cinematographer is seeing, but there was at least one scene where the film must have forgotten. We're left with a moment of, "do they not notice a guy with a camera in the room? What's going on?"
Love Shack really is a fun ride, but none of the "comedy" ever pays off because of the ending. For some reason our writer thought having our character fail all the way to failure would be entertaining, but it's not.

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