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Marshland 2014

Great movie, somewhat similar to the first season of True Detective.

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English/Енглески - This movie was great, in my opinion. Very very intense thriller heavy on the mystery element, with great acting and characters who were top notch. Yes there are some unanswered questions so that we could have an almost perfect movie, but that didnt ruined my experience. I highly recommend this one 8/10

Serbien/Српски - По мом мишљењу сјајан филм. Трилер мистерија са великом неизвесношћу током целог филма. Глума сјајна, ликови одлично урађени. Помало крај није баш дао све одговоре, али без обзира на то и даље мислим да је сјајан, и препоручујем га свима. Оцена 8/10

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It didn't manage to fully capture my attention.

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Shout by Deleted

Me ha gustado, aunque no me ha parecido la gran película que algunos comentaban.

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The best thing about the film is the setting and the characters

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Paco´s cinema: picture and sound 4.5 / 5, all the good that is said about it is true, great atmosphere, direction and actors. But the resolution of the plot ends up not fitting

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