Personal Lists featuring...

Missing Link 2019


List created and maintained by

animated movies 2000 to 20xx


IMDb's Top Animation Movies.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum of 250 movies.

Last Updated: May 3, 2024


My ranking of films released in 2019.

-No short films (1 hour minimum runtime)
-Films included are based on the year the film first premiered
-Ranking is based more on my personal enjoyment of a film rather than what rating I gave it


- Ein Rückblick in die Urwelt (1927)
- The Strange Story of the Inhabitants of Schiltburg (1961)
- Taro: The Son Of Dragon (1966)
- The Mighty Taro (1968)
- Hanako: The Elephant (1969)
- La pobre viejecita (1977)
- Henry The Horse (1982)
- Our House (1982)
- Cristóbal Colón (1983)
- Fool's Paradise (1985)
- The Boys Of Summer Movie (1988)
- The Beauty and The Beast (1988)
- Santa Claus: The Baker Street (1989)
- Mitki-Mayer (1992)
- Jue jiang de Kailaban (1997)
- Reise um die Erde in 80 Tagen (1998)
- Kapitanskaya dochka (2005)
- Adventures of Malia (2015)


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Movies from Laika Animation Studios Ranked


List of Academy Award-winning since 1994 in:
- Best Picture - Best Director
- Best Actor/Actress - Best Supporting Actor/Actress
- Best Original Screenplay - Best Adapted Screenplay
- Best Animated Feature Film - Best Animated Short Film
- Best Documentary Feature - Best Documentary Short Subject
- Best Live Action Short Film - Best International Feature Film
- Best Original Score - Best Original Song
- Best Sound Editing - Best Sound Mixing
- Best Production Design - Best Cinematography
- Best Makeup and Hairstyling - Best Costume Design
- Best Film Editing - Best Visual Effects

The list includes also nominations in the same categories.


primeiro em ordem de mais indicações, depois em ordem alfabética

pras indicações completas, checar aqui que eu não vou botar as informações aqui nessa caixinha pequena é nunca preguiça da porra:
