Personal Lists featuring...

Mulholland Dr. 1999


Standalone movies I want to watch...


List created and maintained by


Complete movies of the great directors. Starting with Quentin Tarantino and the Coen brothers.


List of Films That Question Reality and suggest we are living either in a simulation or a deception.


All the movies with "Must-See" badge on Metacritic. Movie gets the badge when it has a score of 81 or higher and has been reviewed by at least 15 pro critics.


The count of movies watched


Original Edition (2003) + additions (2004-2021) in that order.

2021 Edition Additions:
The Vast of Night (2019)
The Assistant (2019)
Rocks (2019)
Saint Maud (2019)
Tenet (2020)
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020)
Soul (2020)
Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020)
Lovers Rock (2020)
Nomadland (2020)


This collection gives is a best of decade list from The Onion A.V. Club.


This list contains the favorite movies of movie critic Jonathan Rosenbaum who writes for the Chicago Reader. The movies span virtually every decade, and include many an obscure movie.


The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films serves as an ongoing companion to our listing of the 1,000 Greatest Films of all time.

The 1,000 Greatest Films list, by nature of the sources used and formulas applied - and we believe quite rightly so - leans towards films that have so far stood the so-called ‘test of time'. This listing therefore attempts to highlight and honour this century's most critically revered films and act as a sort of 'resting bay' for many great films that will, no doubt, eventually find a spot within the 1,000 Greatest Films part of our website.

This is our seventh 21st Century listing, and despite calls from followers to increase it to 300-and-beyond, for now it once again encompasses 250 films. It is primarily based on critics' year-end lists (from 2000 to 2011), plus it also takes into account mentions given to any films from 2000 onwards that show up in critics' all-time-best-of lists (that are also used for the compilation of our 1,000 Greatest Films list). Additionally, it also incorporates many best-of-the-decade lists from 2010.

List source...


This collection gives is a best of decade list from The Onion A.V. Club.


This list is drawn from the second edition of "The New York Times Guide to the Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made", published in 2004. It contains a selection of 1000 reviews that have been printed in The New York Times in a time period of over seven decades. The majority of movies in this book are among the "10 Best Films" chosen by New York Times critics at the end of each year.


This list contains the favorite movies of movie critic Jonathan Rosenbaum who writes for the Chicago Reader. The movies span virtually every decade, and include many an obscure movie.


Spanning the length of Roger Ebert's career as the leading American movie critic, this book contains all of his four-star reviews written during that time. A great guide for movie watching.

Taken from external source. 64 movies missing from original.
