Personal Lists featuring...

National Gallery 2014


The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list serves as a companion to the They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 Greatest Films of all time list which, - by its nature - tends to have very few films from the 21st century in it. The 21st Century's Most Acclaimed Films list attempts to highlight and honour this century's most critically revered films and act as a sort of 'resting bay' for many great films that are likely to be included in the 1,000 Greatest Films list sooner or later.



Pulled from Rotten Tomatoes Top Movies section:

UPDATED: 2/23/22


A list of movies from Reciperr, imported using


Years 1931-2018 come from:
The New York Times: Book of Movies
the essential 1,000 films to see
2019 ed

Years after 2018 come from NYT website.

work in progress
There are discrepancies between the website and the book, particular for years after 2003. Please leave a comment for any errors you find.


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


All the movies with "Must-See" badge on Metacritic. Movie gets the badge when it has a score of 81 or higher and has been reviewed by at least 15 pro critics.


From Anatolia to Zubrowka, the great motion pictures of 2014 took you places. They leapt into the past, winding their way through 19th-century art galleries and 20th-century brothels, and speculated about the future, piloting audiences into wormholes and beyond. There were imaginary settings, like the crooked California community of Gordita Beach, and ones that just looked imaginary, as glimpsed through the inhuman eyes of an extraterrestrial tourist. Finding a common link among the 20 wildly different movies singled out below may seem like an exercise in futility, but most if not all of them operated like passports to somewhere else, even if that somewhere else was just a single suburban house or a tiny Berlin apartment. Yet for all the far-flung locations represented on our list—including the mundane residential backdrops of our top choice, the only movie to appear on every one of the six contributors’ ballots—a unilateral piece of travel advice emerges: There was no better place to be this past year than at the movies.



The best films of the year – the overground, the underground, the widely released and the still emerging, from oldtimers and first-timers – as chosen by 112 of our international contributors and colleagues.

A selection of 50 critics’ top-five lists and comments is now available in the January 2015 issue of Sight & Sound, alongside extended reflections on the year in action, horror, mainstream adult drama and silent cinema. More 2014 in review coverage will follow online, including all our voters’ contributions later this month."



The best films of 2014 - BFI

by hal.gillilan

Sight & Sound magazine


Movies released from 2010-2017 to watch
