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On the Line 2022

WTF.... I went in expecting something like like Locke or The Guilty... what the hell, what a twist and a crazy ending. I dunno if I should feel cheated or impressed.

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Waste of time and effort. Such bullshit!

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Was not expecting to like this as much as I did. Acting was great as usual for his movies, the story kept you tuned in and it was completely agenda free.

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Mel, Mel how the mighty have fallen! What an unbelievable badly acted piece of rubbish .

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Well, I enjoyed this one much more than I expected.

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I was really enjoying this until it started to look VERY familiar, and I realized it was a blatant rip off of a 1997 Michael Douglas, Sean Penn movie, And then, I spoiled it for myself by looking up the plot summary which just ticked me off and ALMOST made me turn it off. Too many improbabilities, plot holes, and, if someone did some shizz like this to me, there'd be a divorce lawyer and a couple of highly paid "adjusters" in the futures of EVERYONE involved.(Mozambique's all around) Worth your time if you're a fan of Mel Gibson's work, (which admittedly, I am) and "twisty" endings with a surprise "EXTRA" twist at the end, but, don't say I didn't warn you.

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Turned this off after about 10 minutes. I just couldn't watch it anymore as I found Mel Gibson to be really annoying

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A solid first 30 minutes gives way to...well, I won't spoil the story but believe me when I say, you will wish you had hung up on this one!

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good premises and story, but terrible acting

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Gave it 15 minutes then I lost interest...

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Woah, did not see that coming, nice!

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Vacuous plot, the death throes of a career spiralling down the u-bend. A gross waste of my life unworthy of my time. if you have one brain cell avoid this like covid-19

The only reason I continued to watch it was my wife however I didn't realise she fell asleep to this asinine excuse for a paycheck.

(maybe scripts are few and far between, however Mel Gibson given his experience would be able to spot a stinker like this and it just appears as if he's just giving up the ghost and signed on the dotted line for the dollars. He must have a few bucks to be able to hold out for a truly challenging role or an amazing script but inexplicably he signed on for this piece of effluence)

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A cheap copy of The Guilty 2021 movie.
Don't watch this garbage

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What a waste of time...
The THREE plot twists at the end devalue every single character and basically mock the issues of power harassment, racism, sexism, emotional abuse, suicide etc. etc.
I was initially puzzled by Mel Gibson's decision to play an unsympathetic version of himself in the guise of a boomer radio host, but in the end it was made clear that this was a conservative puff piece all along.

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Terrible acting. Stupid plot. Waste of time.

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Definitely low budget. Not awful though :)

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i feel like these reviews are bots. how can people be giving this movie a 7 or 8?

acting is bad, simply put. the ending everyone's saying they are surprised about was obvious, i don't understand how people didn't see it coming. parts of the plot are completely implausible which kind of takes you out of it.

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Wow. It ended a lot better than I expected.

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Good suspense movie, .. I liked you really don't know what will happen .. very well achieved.

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Maigod! This is terrible. Very bad acting. Mel are you ok?

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Nothing new, It Is just ok. Grab a beer, popcorn, and chill. No woke, no stupid script. Fin to watch.

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Laughable dialogue and reactions throughout, but this one ended up being better than the low bar I had set for it going in. Many hated the final third and I loved it. Go in knowing as little as possible. That's the best advice I can give. 6.1 for me. It was going to be a 5 or so, therefore a large bump for me for certain elements I didn't expect.

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First off, I'm a big Mel Gibson fan, even most of his stuff since his big "fall from grace". This movie is the exception.

I feel like he was just going through the motions for the paycheck, which when I looked at his Wiki for upcoming movies and see how many he is making in 2022 it comes as no surprise, he's trying to fund the next Passion without the star-power or billion dollars he had before.

But aside from this point, this movie ends in a very unsatisfactory way and makes you feel like you just wasted two hours. I won't ruin the ending for you but suffice to say that it is either a genius twist or an idiotic one (and I lean towards the latter of those).

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Actually loved the first minutes/act until the killer/voice over start sounded like an ahole clown

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Shout by Michael

“It’s just a prank bro” the movie.

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Shock Jock Mel Gibson vs Dollar Store Joker; Another entry in these "podcast on film" productions that are all the rage these days. The movie is very much a one trick pony, and your rating will come down to how accepting you are of the reveal. Not bad, but not very good either, just that fine line of mediocre that's probably more fitting of a half focused watch over a dedicated viewing. If you can shake some of its flakey dialogue and clear budget constraints, On The Line is a decent thriller all told, but be aware it could lose you in the final act. You've been warned.

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