Sean and Michael discuss ātma-vicāra, just being, pramāda, ‘I am I’, ajāta and so on 2021

    • 2021-02-09
    • 1h 36m
    • Sri Michael James
    • English
    • Documentary
    In a Zoom meeting on 9th February 2021 Sean and Michael discuss various aspects of Bhagavan Ramana’s teachings, including ātma-vicāra (self-investigation), self-surrender, just being, ego, pramāda (self-negligence), ‘I am I’, ajāta, dṛṣṭi-sṛṣṭi vāda, sṛṣṭi-dṛṣṭi vāda, the attitude we should have to the world and its problems, and so on. During this discussion Michael discusses or refers to the following passages from his writings:

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