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Stutz 2022

What a beautiful documentary. When I was 18 (36 now) I was diagnosed with Aspergers. I was really blessed to have my own 'Stutz' who taught me how to deal with so many things in life and gave me 'the tools'. Psychoeducation is a really good thing and I don't even want to know where I would have been without it.

Don't ever be too ashamed or afraid to talk to a psychiatrist.

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I commend Jonah for bringing therapy to the masses. There are a lot of extremely useful tools and methods discussed and some intimate moments that I was shocked to see. Kudos to them ripping the "fakeness" of it out mid-movie. This is what drove it home for me.

Bring a notepad (and tissues, you will need them)...

I will be shocked if this doesn't win awards

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I had somehow missed that this documentary even existed. I LOVE Jonah Hill and everything he touches, therefore I am immediately biased. This film was unlike anything Hill has done, yet it might be his most impactful if it managed to reach a broader audience. It deals with mental illness in such a delicate and effective way, that I feel anyone that watches this will learn at least one tactic that could benefit them.

Check this out, you won't be disappointed!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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I’m not gonna lie, I have a hard time watching films that are just a sit down conversation. I feel like I’d get more out of films like these as a podcast while doing some type of busy activity because as a film it puts me to sleep. Admittedly, I spaced some of the conversation but most of what I did pay attention to was fairly interesting.

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