Shout by Olly
BlockedParent2014-04-03T21:14:38Z— updated 2018-04-12T12:00:14Z

Not sure how this one passed me by. Brilliant and terrifying.

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I'm a bit surprised that they don't even mention the biggest risk of hording all this data: if hackers gain access to any of these service's archives (which has already happened uncountable times, even to google: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/chinese-hackers-who-breached-google-gained-access-to-sensitive-data-us-officials-say/2013/05/20/51330428-be34-11e2-89c9-3be8095fe767_story.html?utm_term=.8ca8d8c724b6 ), your data will fall into the hands of people who may NOT only have advertisement or surveillance in mind. The "terms and conditions" of most companies rule out any responsibility for data theft.

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Pretty scary stuff when thinking about it. Problem is that you too rarely do.

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