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The Devil Below 2021

Sadly, this didn’t really do anything for me. It’s a shame as it had promise and I love the main actor Will Patton.

It reminded me of one of my favourite horror films ‘The Descent’ and also towards the end from another favourite of mine the ‘Alien’ franchise. This isn’t a good thing as they couldn’t hold a light to either films.

Overall, still watchable and not terrible, but nothing to shout about. I’m disappointed :(

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Serviceable creature feature with pretty fun concept and there's fair amount of mystery enough to hold my attention. I expected a lot worse tbh but it's not that bad. It's a low-budget creature feature so there's going to be some stupid stuff happening and sheer volume of stupid decisions. That's fine with me. Some cool monster suit and I get they want to keep it obscure as long as possible but there are better ways than switching into handheld night vision out of nowhere. Overall a decent watch.

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It is a short fun simple action horror. I like the protagonists and thought the writing, filmography, plot, costuming and special effects were good. The acting was decent to good.

Decisions by the director and writers to pop night vision goggles out of nowhere is questionable, as well as, the decision to make the creature both sluggish and lightening fast; heavy and amazing rock-climbers.

Alien meets The Descent meets A Quiet Place.

However, the quality doesn’t come close to any of those films, but it doesn’t have to in order to be a fun ride.

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Its kind of like a modern version of Descent.

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I fell asleep, I woke up & went back to the last place I recall, then I fell asleep again so I gave up on it. I almost always watch a film through if I start it but I just couldn't

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No Horror, No Thrills. Just a tired old boring nothing of a movie.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This was so dull, and with a title like "The Devil Below", you'd think it would be scary. But no. Additionally, it had nothing to do with THE Devil. I suppose the monsters, who are never shown with any clarity at all, could be thought of as "devils" because they live underground. There would be some truth in advertising in that sense.

It was funny that the lead guy, who recruited the crack crew of specialists (who all folded like a cheap suit as soon as some distress occurred), confessed his horrible sin of actually trying to assess the value of the abandoned mine...FOR MONEY!!! OMG!!!! He was paid to do a job?!?!? What an evil man!

So stupid. Thanks Netflix!

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kind of a strange movie. good premise, but the delivery failed. there wasn't enough explanation about the 'monsters' to make them properly scary. arianne was supposed to come off as a badass with daddy issues but really just seemed like she didn't give a damn about anyone around her because she just pretended like nothing happened when people died. there was no 'freak out' reaction to make any of this even seem real. the special effects were good i guess? but special effects do not a movie make. kinda disappointed in this one.

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tldr: watch the descent (bonus, the sequel was good too) or as above so below instead of this.

ugh. i know not to expect a lot from a straight to streaming horror but it would be nice to be surprised sometimes. can i just say i'm glad the godzilla/kong franchise gives their creatures actual features? the split second grainy footage of clovey in cloverfield made sense since it was found footage style, but nothing's more disappointing than traditional cinematography copping out of showing their monsters properly. and after watching a cutie film like love and monsters i definitely have way higher expectations for the monster genre.

also, it might be just because i took migraine meds that kicked in in the third act but the movie's strongest in the beginning (not to say it's strong though) and just goes downhill from there. only character i really feel any sense of investment in is will patton's because what an arrogant lil shit scientist, i hope he gets what's coming to him :triumph:

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Begins well but quickly descends into mediocrity. Watch The Descent again instead.

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Not exactly what I was hoping for. I guess the trailer had me a bit too overexcited, it has the general format of these type of survival horror films that you may seen in many others. As well as the typical predictable ending, that in some ways it leads the door open for a sequel.

Overall, the movie was not completely unwatchable, but don’t go too excited expecting too much out of it either. :man_shrugging:

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