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The Equalizer 3 2023


Shout by Silrog
BlockedParent2024-04-03T16:50:16Z— updated 2024-04-22T21:43:25Z

Generic build up in the first half, lacklustre escalation afterwards.

And the villains are just clowns, you couldn't possibly take them serious. Resulting in a movie that you can't take serious.

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Dark and brutal. I enjoyed everything about this third installment of Denzils portryal Robert MacCall. It’s stripped right back to the brutal efficiency of a highly trained killer. I hope there is more.

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You can say .. that has no waste, ... equal or better than the previous ones .. good effects.

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I hate movies that don't translate foreign language... this is so anything... half the movie you don't understand what's going on...

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"The Equalizer 3" presents Denzel Washington's Robert McCall in a fresh setting, taking the action to Italy after a harrowing gunshot wound. It's a familiar premise, as McCall is pulled back into his vigilante life to protect a town under the mafia's grip. While the movie revisits some themes from the first installment, it stands out by taking the time to build the connection between McCall, the town, and its people. This investment in character development provides a solid foundation for the narrative's closure, making it a satisfying ending to the series.

The action remains a highlight, with Washington delivering believable emotion and impressive choreography. Although the plot can be somewhat predictable, the film still offers a good reason for fans of the series to watch, if only for a one-time rental. Dakota Fanning's inclusion is a pleasant surprise, and her performance adds to the overall enjoyment. While "The Equalizer 3" may not be the year's best film, it's an entertaining action movie that fans of the series will likely appreciate, earning a solid B grade and a 79% score, making it a worthy conclusion for Robert McCall's story.

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This one was definetly the weakest of the trilogy so far. The pacing is way too slow; the action, although decent, is not at the same level that the other two. My guess is that Washington's age comes to play at this. The momentum never came and as it started, it ended; mostly uneventful. In fact, if the "first fight" would have been shown on camera instead of starting the movie after everything happened, it may have gotten a few extra points

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It's called the Equalizer 3 because it contains about 3 minutes of equalizing

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I enjoyed the first Equalizer movie with Denzel Washington, the second one a bit less. But neither of them really stuck in my memory. Perhaps that will change with the conclusion of this under-the-radar trilogy; it's quite good. The wheel isn't reinvented here, but Denzel remains a sympathetic leading man; the mood is atmospheric due to the beautiful scenery in Italy; and the villains are one-dimensional but effective. You shouldn't expect an action movie, though; it's more of a drama/thriller with some enjoyable spikes of violence. There is a bit of time for humor as well, and the "Man in Fire" reunion of Washington and Dakota Fanning also made me smile. All in all, "The Equalizer 3" is gripping as well as entertaining, and thus good enough for a fun evening at the movies.

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All these people claiming this movie doesn’t have enough “equalizing” have a fundamental misunderstanding of The Equalizer. Yes, Robert McCall can be a brutal killer, but he’s also a man on a mission to right wrongs. Whether that is because he is trying to make up for his past or it is his own personal morality isn’t important.

In the first movie he’s a man that has seemingly given up and is ready for death, until he makes a small connection with a troubled girl and decides to make it right. The second movie expands on that as McCall has a taste for the mission and has begun expanding his reach into the community. A true friendly, neighborhood Equalizer, fighting the good fight.

The third movie goes a bit deeper because while McCall is doing all of this work, it is still from the outside. He fights for the community but doesn’t seem to be a part of it. That is what is explored here, and the movie is all the better for it.

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Started with some okayish action although using some blurry camera tricks to hide that is wasn't that well choreograped.

Then a slow middling journey of Denzel eating fish, drinking tea for 45 minutes then 1/2 of random gangster action.

I was never the biggest fan of these as they are you show and drawn out but at least they are over now

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Been a while since the last Equalizer movie, but I always enjoy Denzel Washington in any movie.

Simply put it's more thriller then action, and the scenery is quite beautiful, but the action and violence scenes were timed just right.

Dakota Fanning reunion with Denzel from Man on Fire was a joy to see.

An enjoyable movie for sure.

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A real let down. Talking as a fan of Denzel and the 2 previews films, this one was a disjointed mess. Lookes like a luzzle of 10 movies that someone put together. Incoherent amd frankly didn't make me care about any of the characters. RATE 4/10

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Amazing! That movie was totally ninja and has everything I want!

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So I assume that Antoine and Denzel had decided to make a drama and the they had to cram in some action to please the studio.

Think of The American with Clooney and how it had nearly no action and is a really European dramatic slow-paced film... This is 50% closer to that than a Hollywood effort.

But it's not something bad - as the story is actually quite nice. Seeing him ingratiate to a community and we get a whole host of supporting cast to learn. It's just a shame that they are all little more than stereotypes.

I can't remember a single second of the 2nd film... And little of the 1st... But this might be one I remember more as it had some pathos.

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Look, I'll watch Denzel being a badass beating up bad folks any time, but there was little to nothing original about this script, and it relied on trope after trope: the hero showing the doughy-eyed young government agent a thing or two, the hero almost dying but being rescued mysteriously by locals, the Mafia syndicate picking on the poor locals. Even some of the specific verbiage was trite. I don't see why, with someone with Denzel's experience and the range of phenomenal projects he has done (not counting the stinkers), couldn't he tell the director, can we not do or say this, this and this because it sounds stupid and it's been done a million times. In all, it was entertaining enough and you really wanted the dastardly bad guy to get his comeuppance. That's about all we should expect from action movies in America, sadly.

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This movie is giving me some sad late stage Steven Seagal vibes.

70 year old Denzel is not very convincing as a "badass"... I just felt bad for him.

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Flat and boring movie with very basic fights, lame villains and bad acting and actors. Now just ask yourself a question, why would you watch this when we have John Wick or The Beekeeper that is miles better than this. Oh and not sure what happened to Denzel but half side of his lips looked like he was trying to imitate Stallone, i found this very weird.

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I love Denzel Washington and the Equalizer trilogy, but this should be the last. The first one was incredible, the second one was good and this one was not bad. If there is a fourth, I think it will be bad.

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Shout by Ro

After all these years John W. Creasy and Lupita Ramos are reunited

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Good movie, I just knew when starting this movie it was a good movie. I mean my category is 10 deaths first 10 minutes and this one complied.

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During the gangs motorbike ride through the town; did anyone else hear that god awful porn scream some eejit nearly always posts on social media?

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something about this was very poetic.

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Really enjoyable, great film, very exciting throughout

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I love Denzel! He's doing it very good

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A good film, with a simple and slow story, but one that makes sense for character development. The action scenes are good, although limited in number, however, the music was a little annoying in my opinion.

As for the lack of dubbing and the predominant use of Italian, I found it
this unnecessary.

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3 stands for the number of action scenes

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Denzel Freaking Washington!

I know he's the main character, but he makes these films watchable because his presence hypnotizes you. If they didn't have Denzel and instead got some generic and stoic actor who can't act, then it's unwatchable. But with Denzel, not only is he great in the action scenes, but he gives the action emotion.

It makes the scenes more dynamic.

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It just didn’t hold my attention, standard action and nice scenery. But no real story, Denzel seems to just be going through the motions.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Classic Denzel Washington feel good movie! Get the bad guys! Highly recommended

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There was a fair amount of “dull” moments but overall the movie was enjoyable. The plot and story line was complemented by a good cast of actors. 7/10

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Just the same as other superhero crap just without costume.

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Washington always delivers. great movie

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I enjoyed this finale immensely. It was fun feeling like I was watching Gommorah in parts as well. Fuqua does pulpy action sequences expertly. This didn't disappoint. Some disjointed moments here and there and some baddie clichés abound, but for what we're looking for in a gritty actioner w a nearly septuagenarian Denzel? This is an 8.2 overachievement. Well done.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Don't let some of these low ratings by self appointed critics fool you. This film is amazing action, location, lighting, etc. recommend..

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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It's a good movie until it said "Jihad drugs"? Make a research for using non English words

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I thought this would be a kind of cheesy farewell to the Equalizer character but they really ramped up the violence, gore and action on this one. They went all John Wick on this one and it was pretty good!

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The Punisher on holiday in Italy. Very reminiscent of the 2004 Punisher movie with Thomas Jane in my opinion and that's just fine.

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Much slower than the previous 2 movies. Decent, but the worst of the 3.

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Visit Italy 2023 .

its equilizer 3 . equilizer 4 could be set in India to recover some scam money.

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Really liked this flick. Dont believe I seen the first installments but this one was worth a look anyway. Denzel always has a way in grabbing my attention. The sound effects towards the end brought me back to the old horror flicks I use to watch way back in the day.

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Denzel is by far the best actor in history! This movie is just epic, storyline on point. Acting is second to none. Definitely going to add to my collection and I am going to watch it again this weekend.. You don't have to ask. YES it is a MUST WATCH!

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I suppose this is the last Equalizer movie in which Denzel Washington will be playing in major role.
The movie is in the same environment as the previous two
but this one is slow to unfold and has less action scenes
so a good movie.

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Wrong information about other country. Should have researched more and accurately. :thumbsdown:

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Good, really good, John Wick better not crosses paths with Mr. McCall, John wouldn't have a chance.

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He didn't use his weird Sherlock Holmes, bullet time, spider-sense thing a single time: 0/10

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Pretty poor, not enough action and poorly written

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Another solid entry in the Equalizer series. I especially liked that they took a beat or 2 while he was recuperating before he went on a rampage again.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Shout by derrgoo

1 and 2 are classics. I was glad to see 3 come but a few letdowns for me was being in a foreign country and so many subs. It seemed to hard to bring story together. Also, this one seemed very short and all things come together last 30 min. Overall it’s worth a watch.

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What the fuck happened to Antoine Fuqua's career?

"Not as bad as Equalizer 2" turned out to be a lie.

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Too bad it only happens in the movies, and Mafia still pretty much rules Sicily and many other places in southern Italy.
Anyway, it's always great to see when good beats evil once in a while, even if it's just 2.5 action scenes in the whole movie.

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Amazing movie. I love the human aspect of it. I love that it’s not just another action movie and the idea that there’s a profound reason for everything.

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The Equalizer is one of those franchises where I found the first movie to be a bit meh, and then the second and third instalments to be progressively awesome. My recommendation is to use the first movie as an opportunity to familiarise yourself with Robert McCall and his quirks, such as timing activities using his Suunto wristwatch. Him and that watch will take you into the next level in The Equalizer 2 and 3.

In this third instalment, I really enjoyed the introduction of Emma Collins (Dakota Fanning) as chosen by McCall to be his inside man, while he goes after the frikin' Sicilian mafia. That pairing worked well. If they make a fourth instalment, I hope Emma Collins character makes a comeback.

Amina (played by Gaia Scodellaro) is absolutely gorgeous. However, I don't see McCall as a character who gets hitched. He's the perfect loner / ex-military protagonist.A fling? Yes. Hitched? No. :wink:

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Waited so long for this. Under whelming really. Not as good as the first 2 movie's in the Trilogy. OK watch, the usual violence. I'm a little disappointed. I was expecting more! :thinking:

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Quality picture is updated, HD i Denzel doesn't disappoint, let me enjoy my movie.

Thank you

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every movie that he's in he does a great job I love his movies Danielle Washington I'm just sad this is the last one must watch I'll give it a 10

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What a movie. Lost for words. Definitely the best movie of the trilogy.

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Claustrophobic "Luca" live action remake has the Equalizer/A-team/mandalorian stops at a place, sees the locals get hurt and he steps in to stop that hurt.

There's a bit of an escape from the quaintness and stairs with a few fun, ultraviolences and a little CIA officer documentary featuring Pam Beesley's Roy.

kind of annoyance- I really wanna see Equalizer getting to where he does after the restaurant scene. like super speedily running off to the van. coz in my head it's hilarious

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An excellent conclusion to a thrilling trilogy. Once again, Denzel proves he is a master of understated acting and was born for this role.

The directing is sharp and very reminiscent of (god bless) Tony Scott with excellent performances from all.

I loved every minute of this - you knew exactly what was going to happen and that made it even better.

Eye watering violence was tempered with heart felt emotion and so many times I thought “wow, that was good.”

Enjoy this clever ending and keep your eyes peeled!

“Why me?”

“Oh, you’ll find out.”


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I didn't like The Equalizer 3 much. What I found weird was the way everything (environment, characters, etc) took so long to set up (what I liked), and then the story was hastily wrapped up with all the bad guys killed and everything about their plans revealed within a blink of an eye (what I didn't like). It's like they had planned for the movie to be longer but then decided to squeeze it within 2 hours

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7

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I think I like this one the best of the 3. Also, probably due to my not remembering much of 1 and pretty much nothing of 2. (Good while watching but not memorable). This one had a decent story and wraps the story up nicely for no more sequels.

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Like ice skating on a lake during spring thaw: not enough cool places.

The action scenes were was fun as they were scarce, sadly, but the music was tight as hell. Denzel continues to impress but the story was so thin it fell through in places.

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To be honest, I haven't seen the first two, but from what I saw, the movie was pretty good. I expected a lot more action, but I found a more entertaining story than some other action movies. It didn't need anything cool to engage viewers.

7/10. Yeah, there's gotta be a 4th one, I think there was no ending to this movie like it was made for another sequel.

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