Personal Lists featuring...

The Exterminator 1980


Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


Trashy cult cinema from the fringes of good taste.


From the tragically ludicrous to the ludicrously tragic.


Cinema Suicide was a popular, long-running website celebrating cheap thrills and the grimy, dusty titles tucked away on video store shelves.


One of the foundational sub-genres of horror is the Slasher, a type of horror film that sees a killer stalk and slay a group of characters. Usually, the killer is masked, and the preferred weapon of choice tends to be of the bladed variety. Slashers have been around for decades, with films like Peeping Tom and Psycho credited as prototypes for the sub-genre and Halloween touted as the seminal slasher that set the mold for the modern slasher. It was the latter’s massive success that heralded in the Golden Age of Slashers. Source:


The entire main movie filmography of Samuel L. Jackson, but not including behind-the-scenes or short documentaries.


This list has been compiled by aggregating the movies in three different lists: The Deuce Top 20 (2007-08), The Deuce Top 20 (2008-09) and Quentin Tarantino's Top 20 Grindhouse Classics. The movies in this list all belong to classic international exploitatation/cult cinema movies.



In his Guide for the Film Fanatic (1986), Danny Peary provides short reviews for over 1600 “Must See” films.

104 movies missing. Imported from external source.


list auto imported from imdb by on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 04:06:02 +04


Shadows and Justice: A Vigilante Film Odyssey" is a curated collection that delves into the gritty, shadowed world of vigilantes and revenge. From the dark alleys of comic book cities to the morally ambiguous streets of urban landscapes, this list is a thrilling journey through tales of justice seekers and avengers. It blends popular hits with lesser-known gems, creating a tapestry that explores the multifaceted nature of vigilante justice.

The journey begins with mainstream, crowd-pleasing films where characters grapple with moral dilemmas while seeking retribution. Gradually, it ventures into the realms of darker narratives, where the lines between hero and antihero blur. From the stylish and fantastical to the brutally realistic and unsettling, each film uniquely portrays the consequences and complexities of taking justice into one’s own hands.

This odyssey is not just about action and retribution; it's a cinematic exploration of themes like redemption, loss, and the human thirst for justice. Whether it's through a flamethrower-wielding soldier in the gritty streets of New York or a half-Navajo martial artist defending a progressive school, these films challenge viewers to contemplate the ethics of vigilantism. "Shadows and Justice: A Vigilante Film Odyssey" is perfect for cinephiles who appreciate the darker, more thought-provoking side of cinema.


It's a thing you just feel. Like 1997.
