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The Gate 1987

Fun 80's horror that, despite the dated effects, is still enjoyable to watch today. Don't close the gate on this one!

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Love the cheesy horror fun of this movie. I also love the practical horror effects, its all the best stuff that makes 80s horror movies great.

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I love this movie, so much nostalgic fun. Some of the effects hold up surprisingly well. If you like Monster Squad or a Goonies tone movie, you should have fun with this.

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Fun to revisit for the last time

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Years ago I saw this weird little flick and thought it was strange and disjointed had an awful ending but still found it appealing. After watching it again I've reached the same verdict. It's a bit creepy which has as much to do with the crappy picture quality as it does the story. It does feature some really interesting effects namely one where a zombie falls down face first hits the floor and breaks into about a dozen little demons who scatter about. Another features Glen who greets his father at the front door of their house only to have his father's head melt fall off and plop to the ground like a hunk of raw meat. The small demon men are weird creations especially when they gang up on Terry who has fallen into the demons' hole in the backyard. The stop-motion "super-demon" is impressive too. But Glen's monster-slaying model rocket ahh...not so much. If you want to see a decent but sort of cheesy '80s horror movie "The Gate" should satisfy your need.

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Los diablitoa dan miedo y asco

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Watched yesterday, all i can remember: You’ve been BAD!!!

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A classic 80s romp with awesome effects and fun tone. You really see the foundation of the modern suburban horror

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I saw this first time as a young man when it came out and loved it. I wondered if it would hold up since I remember it wasn't particularly brutal. It is as I remember: a good "first" horror movie for younger folks. Fun with surprisingly good effects and one of the best "not Poltergeist" 80's suburbs horror films. I enjoyed the heck out of it.

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I bet it was better in it’s time but watching it for the first time today it wasn’t bad but nothing brilliant and some of the effects were a little cheesy but some were on spot. The film did make me laugh at times and the plot wasn’t bad and different to see a young dorff that did a good job.

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Goosebumps before the Goosebumps book series came out in 1992. A fun horror romp that older kids could happily watch. Somebody already mentioned The Goonies, it's definitely of that generation and in the same "kids battle against adversity" setting. And as it's 80s, no crappy CGI and some good visual effects.

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It's like a Lovecraftian version of Poltergeist meets The Evil Dead.

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