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The Hating Game 2021

I played the hating game all the way through this vapid movie.

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My main problem was the guy they cast. Just bad acting. He has the most monotone delivery, just killed any sense of chemistry. Lucy did her best but it wasn't enough.

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I don't even know, TBH

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I adore the book and Lucy Hale so it was kind of daunting to go into this. I was scared I wasn't going to like it. Lucy was amazing but the Austin dudes acting was so flat? He does have chemistry with Lucy but apart from that he wasn't good for the role at all.

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I enjoyed it for what it was, but there were some bits that felt a bit rushed thru. Lucky I'd read the book or else I may have gotten lost along the way.

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The movie is not completely loyal to the book so that’s my main problem with the movie I think they cut or change key points of the book I disagree with the people saying Austin it’s not a well cast if you reas the book you feel and know he’s the best fit but I think the main problem it’s the script and the things they decided to change and it makes me feel like it lose the magic of the book but overall it’s a good movie to enjoy the time

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The Hating Game, a nice little RomCom with a modern take on relationships.

The on-screen chemistry was there.

Lucy's character was full of emotionally charged energy. Austin's character was a 'stone-walled masculine show no and speak no emotions'.

The script was well written and there was that right amount of comedy.

Being a RomCom, the story was very predictable and has been done over and over before however, The Hating Game puts a modern twist on ''young'' relationships with a mix of career vs love.

Overall; enjoyable.

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this was the book come to life! I absolutely loved it :)

(Austin Stowell wasn’t...the best, but this was such a fun movie I’ll give him a pass I guess)

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boring movie.. could've been better..

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it's very bad didn't enjoy it at all the story was rushed plus they have no chemistry 0/10

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These two had absolutely zero chemistry together, and I 100% blame the guy for that. This dude was as bland as bland can be with an unwelcome hint of psychopathic stalker vibes, and the actor had literally no acting abilities whatsoever. The whole thing was also very rushed. Such a waste of potential

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Liking a movie and hating a movie feels exactly the same...

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This was so good! I was captivated by this relationship the whole time. Felt lie a Hallmark movie (which is a good thing to me)

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To this day, I still remember the line from the book about him painting his bedroom wall the color of her eyes, and it makes me swoon LOL

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This movie is soooooo baaaaad… The dialogs are flat, basic, pathetic even… I was in torture watching this although I love Lucy as an actress :sob: wasted time, maybe the book is better (haven’t read that) but it was kinda similar to The Spanish Love Deception…

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The book was great, i was worried that Lucy wasn’t the right fit but turns out she did great. The film itself was the worst I’ve watched in a while, zero chemistry between characters Josh’s delivery was all wrong and it felt like there were huge gaps in the plot. Random sex scenes and holding hands when they were at each others throats it absolutely was awful. Certain scenes in the book where the delivery was perfection and what was said was clear and meaningful somehow was turned into absolute rubbish with zero meaning in the film, whoever wrote the script clearly hasn’t got any sense of emotions. Mega disappointed :(

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nice rom com to chill....mostly because of Lucy hale

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It's a decent rom-com.

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Sadly made me cringe wayy to often..

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The book works better but the movie is still an enjoyable watch.
Casting for both Lucy and Josh are great. They are what I imaged when reading the book. Both actors are capable to deliver and have good chemistry. I think where it kind of went wrong is the fact that this movie is short to establish the love/hate relationship between them enough. They rush right into that first kiss and dive almost immediately into the love part of the relationship. We are to believe these two hate each other from a flashback and a relatively small opening sequence in which Lucy explains her hate for Josh.
Still, the chemistry between Lucy and Josh was there and I very much enjoyed watching it unfold further. I laughed a bit, I cried a bit (tears of joy) so all in all it was an enjoyable Saturday evening.

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One step from love to hate and the other way too. Such a spoiler. ;)

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Mild 5 minute spoilers here.

This really rubbed me the wrong way. The writing was so bad. E.g. Why did they share an office with desks eye to eye with one another. The byline and name amped up the hate meter, yet the first time alone in an elevator, she jumps him.

And all the low morality? Using Danny? Reading his planner? I feel like Josh is a stand up guy and wouldn't tolerate this.

This is a stinking pile. Move on.

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Shout by Deleted

yo lol what was going thru the casting directors' minds when they chose this cast? #NotMyJoshLucy

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