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The Kitchen 2023

After Top Boy ended, Kano stars in a dystopic version of Top Boy - without anything that made the series thrilling and worthy to watch. The Kitchen is slow, boring and we have seen everything it offers a thousand times - done better- in other films, even recently like Stronghold, Athena, Les Miserables.

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Why is it mentioned as syfy movie !! acting is soo poor .
painful to watch .

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Man if they were trying to bore us to death so we’d turn it off they succeeded. Lasted 22 minutes. I have no patience for this crap. If it gets better let me know…

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My oh my is this boring. I watched it because of one of the directors (Daniel Kaluuya). Went in with 0 expectations, and instantly, I was amazed by the special effects. I got 48 minutes into the movie, and it had gotten nowhere, so I turned it off. It felt a little too much like Black Mirror. Only this was trying way too hard. Pretty on the outside but empty within. Huge letdown.

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It's really frustrating when the actors just mumble through the dialogue, especially Benji, who also has the charisma of a wet towel. Considered turning it off a number of times because scene after scene just felt like padding with no outcome. I should have listened to myself earlier. Can't believe so little happened in just under two hours. I did like the father figure/son dynamic between the two leads, however, everything else the director was trying to say about modern society didn't really come through because of that and remained superficial.

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Daniel Kaluuya’s director debut is sadly a disappointing boring sci-fi that just takes too long to get going or even go anywhere, unfortunately. The 2 main characters are not dislikable but not likeable either. The world and setting are by far the only interesting parts to take out of it sadly not the characters so I'll probably never watch this again and I find it hard to even recommend.

As a football fan watching Ian Wright act and play Lord Kitchener actually worked.

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good acting but very boring overall.

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5-10 meh

And that’s a generous score, managed to get 48 minutes into it, hoping it was going to go somewhere, it doesn’t……
This is boring as hell……

If you dare to watch it, have a bottle of whiskey at hand, your need it…..

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Top Boy 5 and this coming out the same year feels like history in the making.
Insanely good needle drops here, a couple of which are important to the London BLM protests.


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I have mixed feelings about this. Frankly, it feels like the script was written with ChatGPT: there are lots of interesting characters and situations, but it never goes any deeper exploring them.

*** SPOILER ***
It doesn't explore the conflict between the 2 adult figures, let alone elaborate their character;
Lord Kitchener is merely a DJ;
No background on housing: why the city is changing and the Kitchen is the last estate? Why the need of police raids? Who came first: raids or looting?
Is it either Kitchen or Buena Vida? Really?
Never see the mother;
Why the bike is such an important last gift? The kid says he's so good on a bike but he barely strolls once;
Etc etc.

It's all so superficial, and it's a shame because there's a lot of potential.

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What if A Bronx Tale but in London and it's about black people instead of Italian Americans. And make it boring. The setting promised so much...

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:heart::heart::heart::heart: - You wait the entire film for something to happen, and it never comes.

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Like a poorly addressed Father's Day card: It looked good and I knew where it was trying to go, but it had a garbled message and took too long to end up in the wrong place.

This dystopian slow burn about a slum in future London is ambitiously directed and has a strong cast but doesn't really say what it's trying to say.

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