The Last Padawan: A Short Star Wars Story

Why make a Star Wars fan film? If you had asked me when I was seven years old, what film I would make if I ever got the skill, I would have said: "Star Wars" - Normally Star Wars film are made by a thousand people for a lot of money. This one is made by a few for almost nothing. We made this film because we love Star Wars and the art of filmmaking. It's a tribute to the old school cinematic style and an experiment to see if we could make a twenty-minute live-action Star Wars story and still retain that wonderful Star Wars feeling. A lot of time, love and energy went into making this film, and it was an absolute blast. Hope you enjoy it! May the force be with you, always! - Jesper Tønnes Disclaimer: This is a non-profit unofficial fan-film that is not intended for commercial use. It was made solely for fun. Universe/Characters are owned by Lucasfilm/Disney and this fan-film is not connected in any way to said companies.

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