Personal Lists featuring...

The Medium 2021


A list of the most disturbing, depressing and traumatic films ever made. Does not include those underground torture snuff movies with no plot.


Possession horror. Updated weekly.


Wilderness horror. Updated weekly.


One of my favorite horror sub-genres, folk horror, is usually slower and more atmospheric than typical horror films. Focused more on pagan ideology, witchcraft, nature, or the occult, and usually located in the woods or rural countryside, folk horror brings a distinctly different flavor to such a rich genre. If you’re new to folk-horror, The Unholy Trinity (The Blood on Satan’s Claw, The Witchfinder General, The Wicker Man) is the best place to start as they are three of the earliest and best. These films are not always as outright terrifying as other horror movies that are all about the scares, but they have a way of burrowing under your skin with their unassuming, almost pleasant facades—picturesque countrysides, friendly towsfolk, quaint lifestyles—but are always hiding something more sinister underneath...


- Bobby
- Lorie
- Kyle
- Greg
- Kelley
- Alanna
- Chris
- Tara


Religious horror. Updated weekly.


Bad to average horror/thriller

by Slig

The bar for horror and thrillers is fairly low as it is (imo). Themes are overused. Just hack and slash isn't what I find entertaining. I love a good plot twist. Some films on this list have a plot twist, but not in the spectacular way I prefer them. Some of these are just too classic too discard and some of these are sort of decent. And some of these are just plain bad. The real good stuff (according to me) is in different (and more specific) lists.


All the Found Footage, American, Anthologies, J-Horror,Killers

Creatures,Zombies and the awful bad ones.


Watched Movies!

by Noel Edward

The count of movies watched


A list of all found footage films. Mostly horror though a few other genres may come into it. Please let me know any suggestions. I hope everyone finds this list useful! Some really great movies on here.

You may find a few Documentary style movies too if they fit close to found footage.


If you boycotting this playlist is for you! Free Palestine!
