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The Negotiation 2018

To tell you the truth in the beginning the only reason I watched was Son Ye-Jin, but I really enjoy it in the end. They look so good together. Hyun Bin as a bad guy, yummy. And Ye- Jin is amazing as always. A decent movie to pass the time. Nothing more, nothing less.

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I really enjoyed the performance and the interactions of the main characters, and the overall mystery had a quite good resolution. Good one

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A nice taut thriller which picks up its pace after the first half. A good script underplayed by a mediocre screenplay. Yejin and Hyunbin give decent performances though smoothing the movie around its edges would have made a much better experience.

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WoW you can feel their chemistry even before CLOY they must have started dating after this movie and not COY !!

Prepared myself to see Hyun Bin in a darker role and Son Ye-jin is awesome as ever. With veteran cast you can expect no mistakes although the story can be a bit predictive if you have watched many Hollywood movies.

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The leads were terrific. A tad predictable and could've been tauter, but what can I say - I'm a sucker for all things emo and this definitely was. Siiighs.

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