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The Nun II 2023

I don't think I'll ever really warm up to the films in the Conjuring universe. "The Nun II" doesn't change that feeling either, although I would describe it as an improvement over its predecessor. Especially in the first half, there are a few nice atmospheric moments, and the film appears to be of higher quality. The jump scares are all predictable; my pulse remained low the whole time. Still, there is indeed something like creativity, for example, in a moment when magazines at a newsstand are used prominently. And, as in the first installment, lead actress Taissa Farmiga does a good job.

Towards the end, however, the film bored me more and more. Then everything degenerates into a movie-like ghost train ride. The shock moments become increasingly uncreative and stupid, and you can't sympathize with most of the characters since they had almost no character development beforehand. Whether the film fits into the Conjuring canon at the end, I don't know; I certainly have my doubts. All in all, the film is probably enough for a reasonably entertaining evening at the movies, but "The Nun II" is definitely not a standout.

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Like second tries: just because it's better than the first one doesn't mean it's good.

It's pleasant enough watching Taissa Farmiga avoid the pitfalls that ruined the original, but that doesn't make this sequel any more original.

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stop filming in 4k I turned off because I couldn't see anything. these new filmers I give them am (F]). no thx to new tv and movies. poorly filmed, written, acted

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Feels like it was rushed near the end. Almost like the movie was meant to have more to it and they cut big sections out.

I'd watch it if you've seen the first, but it wasn't great.

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It had a couple good scenes where the nun appears, like the candle smoke and the magazine one. Other than that mediocre and WOKE! The vatican would never sent a nun even with her past, alone, she'd need an exorcist. Which are specific men that are trained for it. BUT the WOKE propaganda must enforce female characters even if it doesn't makes sense. Like that side-chick that went with her, just so there is a black person in the vicinity. Plot is same 'ol same' ol. Horror films must do a factory reset. Nothing is remotely scary anymore as we've become more and more dehumanized. RATE 6/10 cuz I like Farmiga.

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I went to the cinema without many expectations considering what can be expected from this type of film, and I must say that I liked it more than the first installment.

I really like how the story is told and the depth of Irene's character.

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It's entertaining. Not that many jumpscares, and the ones that exist are all spoiled on the trailler.
Really liked the plot of the story. But I think there are a lot of things that happen without any explanation or reason, or are just there cause the movie needs to end.
Liked the first one a little bit more.

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It started great and then, the whole eye's story is just stupid.

And the wine?? Wtf what a dumb writing...

Give us good horror movies with good, solid stories back!

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The movie is a typical horror movie, you can expect every scare jump and where the demon will appear. In the cinema there were no scared people for a moment you will forget that it is supposed to be scary.

The visuals are of good quality. I did enjoy the movie but it does not reach the climax as the conjuring series does.

There are many gaps In the story where I felt it should be explained.

I guess there will be a third movie to highlight more on the story. There are too many characters in the movie that will not add any value. The ending of the movie was simple.

I have this movie a six for the good Acting.

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The Chamele-nun II

More of the same, still generic as hell but pretty equal with the first. The scares are poor attempts, just like the first. The acting is just as bad, the effects are cheaper, the kills are ok. I enjoyed the kid getting bullied storyline and Valak doing all sorts of stuff a ghost shouldn't be physically doing. The first two acts were hard to get through, the story was boring to me and it's trying too hard to be scary when it really isn't. Too much Valak exposition early on made her unscary. During the second act I was sitting there thinking "the only way they could save this is if it went full camp, embrace the sillyness and just go for fun instead of scare"... well, the third act kinda does that and I had some fun. A new X-Men villain was born in that third act and I was there for it but two movies is enough for The Nun.

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Good movie if you are having problems to sleep, almost one hour of full rest at the theater.

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[HBO Max] Following the story of the first part of the spin-off of the second part of "The conjuring" (2013), Valak in her form as a nun returns in a film that has many of the flaws of the first, although at least it achieves a moderately entertaining third act. There is an attempt to surround the characters with a certain story, benefiting from the parallel plots, but it fails to avoid being the same repetitive product that we saw in the first film. Michael Chaves isn't exactly the most talented director in "The Conjuring" universe, but at least here he tries to be a little more stylized.

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I like Taissa Farmiga's work, but in this I just couldn't get emotionally invested to the story whatsoever. Perhaps was my mood, I'm not sure. Felt like a 1000 other generic horrors surrounding demonic possession and the church. This was to be expected, but it just felt so by the numbers. Had some good moments, overall I landed at a 5.3. Cant recommend, but if you're a fan of the franchise you likely know what you're in for.

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This is really TRASH! It is the same old cliche!

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For a movie called 'The Nun II' - there was a severe lack of the Nun - it felt entirely too long as a thriller/horror movie, as it only started kicking off about an hour into the film.

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In my opinion, "The Nun II" exceeded my expectations. Unlike the first movie, I found it gripping and genuinely scary. The increased number of jump scares and a more interesting storyline had me hooked. The addition of school children to the narrative enhanced my enjoyment, and despite some silliness, like the part about the eyes, I personally appreciated the expansion of the Conjuring universe. Overall, it was a thrilling experience that resonated well with my taste in horror films.

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In my opinion, "The Nun II" exceeded my expectations. Unlike the first movie, I found it gripping and genuinely scary. The increased number of jump scares and a more interesting storyline had me hooked. The addition of school children to the narrative enhanced my enjoyment, and despite some silliness, like the part about the eyes, I personally appreciated the expansion of the Conjuring universe. Overall, it was a thrilling experience that resonated well with my taste in horror films.

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There were afew good scenes that mesmerised me, the visuals overall looked great, but it was as entertaining as a nuns diary. It just didn't feel like a worthwhile story, unlike the first, and that was bland too. The acting was fine. The dialogue was fine. Storm Reid wasn't fine, as always. Will she ever be in a project where she isn't screaming? The nun once again was disappointing. She has so much potential, especially by the actress, but her writing is washed out and boring. I would only want 'The Nun III' if 'The Nun' is actually a main character.

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I am a big fan of James Wan as a director and I always look forward to his movies. The setting of Nun (both one and two) just do not quite appeal to me as much as many of his other films. This is not objectively bad, but it is not nearly as good as most other films in the Conjuring Universe.

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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I think I kind of liked this better than the first one.

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So after haunting everyone with speed and brutality, this demon somehow summons supernatural chains to shackle the ONLY black person in the movie? So who's the racist son of a bitch? is it Goldberg or Naing?

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The nun goes woke... The women can do everything except act apparently. Every man is useless or contemptible. The story, what there is of one, is lazy and mediocre.

You wouldn't know when or where this was set. Who knew Europe was so diverse in the 50s, everyone is from another country than the one they are in. Who knew France had little girls dressed as boys making deliveries back then. Or that the Vatican would send a lone nun to investigate something that's a job for a trained exorcist...

As much as the woke nonsense annoys me I still watched this. It's ok. But... The worst part of this film, and I mean the absolute worst part, is Storm Reid. How she ever got a job as an actress is a mystery to me. Blank stares, dead delivery of her lines, and no screen presence... It didn't help her character feels like it was just tagged on to fill a check box. I've never seen this girl in anything else and I don't think I ever will again

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Above all, great visual effects, great background music and a fairly decent horror atmosphere. It's not quite the top horror movie of all, but it's still one of the best horror movies made in the year 2023, a horror movie that certainly doesn't get boring.

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Hilarious trash. Are warrior nuns the next big thing? Hope not.

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Is this a Marvel Studios or horrow movie?

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I... what?
this movie was a whole set of choices that didn't pan out. like it was visually nice the effects were good the acting was ok... but the story was all over the place and the periodical and predictable Jump scares made it very MEH. a very underwhelming sequel that probably will continue growing the franchise but bringing nothing good...

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I liked some of the cinematic effects in the film, like some scenes bleeding into the other. Otherwise, the first Nun was creepier with a better ending. Other than to tie it in with The Conjuring II, which the first Nun movie already did, I didn't see the point of the film, except as a cash grab. As long as these mediocre horror flicks keep making 5, 6, 7 times more at the box office than they cost to make, production companies will keep crapping them out.

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imagine watching a movie titled "the NUN ii" and then being enraged that it focused on two women

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The first one was much more terrifying, this one was much less scary but also had some very strong scenes.

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And this is how Stockholm syndrome is born. ;)

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My wife felt asleep. I watched it till the end expecting to get better.


Obviously I don't like it. I would say that you can skip that without regrets.

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I still can't understand why she had to follow the laser with her hands... I mean... I can't...

But overall, this is a fun watch, especially when you're with friends who can get scared easily. The part with the goat is just a bit cringe tho. :(

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I love the first one. And this builds unto it very well. The acting throughout by all was superb. And it has some really creative scares. I honestly hope there's more to come.

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A good horror, not better than the first. But very creative scares through out.

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They went all out, huh? Well, it's better than The Nun, that's for sure. Very entertaining and a lot more violent.

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I hope you guys watched it until the very end... Past the first set of credits :eyes:

Also... I will say I'm probably the only person who preferred the first movie... Each to their own.

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Honestly frightening. Better than the first

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What the hell are we even doing anymore? They turned the Nun into a guy and it fucking sucks

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So dark I cannot even see a thing. Is this an audio podcast?

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I did like it, very talented sequel.

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Another sequel that shouldn't exist. The first movie was surprisingly good. It introduced me to the Conjuring universe that I'm yet to explore. This second instalment plays out like some of the garbage Netflix writes and produces these days.:rolling_eyes:

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Clichéd jump scares and unnecessary dark scenery mar this film.

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expecting a third installment where we finally get to see the making of the infamous video with the warrens performing an exorcism on maurice, also hope irene is in the third one too

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This one was disappointing. It felt PG13 isntead of a gory rated R, not much horror in it, the sidekick nun sucks as an actor, and stupid story. Also, the first one is way better because it's based on The Warren files.

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While much more competant than it's predecessor and with much better individual horror set pieces, The Nun 2 still fails to muster anything really compelling from it's threadbare components. Valek is here, the scattershot religious iconography is here, but still nothing deep or memorable is brought to the fore for us to sink our teeth into and takeaway from this series. If all you're after is easy scares with better-than-most production quality, you'll be satiated by The Nun II. Anyone looking for anything deeper will leave sorely disappointed. Solid October fodder, cookie cutter horror filler to view once and never see again.

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Definitely better than the first Nun… but not as much.

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WAY better than the first nun, but still too reliant on jump scares and cgi.

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Fair Enough
Not as good as the
First movie, nowhere
near. And with
"Valak" (The Nun)
only getting exactly
2 minutes 57 seconds
of actual screen time
I wanted more and
expect better.
A second movie
with said Nun only on
screen for less than
3mins is unacceptable.
Great seeing Storm
again, really happy these
bigger roles keep coming
her way, can't wait for her
next project.
Maurice has a sad and
tragic time after the events
of this movie, which
matches up lovely
to the Mid credit scene
in "The Nun" with
Ed and Lorraine,
(which very well could
be the events that lead
"The Conjuring
The Last Rites")
Maurice deserved better
so did his wife,
(Did Sister Irene have
a vision of his future,

Verdict: all n all
not the worst but
certainly not the best
one of this universe
but I guess on the bright
side if ever they make
a 3rd Installment
Valak has to be in it
more than he was in this
one because if he is in
it less then this one
well then he wouldn't
be in said 3rd installment
at all.

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Not bad, lacking in the scare factor but the lore was pretty good. Might even watch it again to understand it better

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to be called the nun, there are few nuns, a little better than the first one, the best Irene vs Valak. Stronger faith than Dominic Toretto's.

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this movies was outstanding I'm giving it a 10 well done

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