Personal Lists featuring...

The Street Fighter 1974



by Deleted


Tarantino's favorite grindhouse movies.

"The Deuce: Grindhouse Cinema Database was in large part inspired by Writer-Director Quentin Tarantino and his vast knowledge of exploitation cinema. Over the years, we have come to hear about so many films we never would have because of him. Look at any cult-exploitation DVD distributor today and you'll find out that half of their roster has films that were championed by Quentin himself for years. Our site's cracker-jack administrator and gracious host Sebastian Haselbeck met with Quentin on the set of his upcoming film Inglourious Basterds where he received a brand new list of Top 20 grindhouse theatrical classics which Quentin spent a considerable amount of time pouring over to come up with his definitive picks. The Deuce is very proud to bring you this special feature... "



Tarantino's favorite grindhouse movies.

The Deuce: Grindhouse Cinema Database was in large part inspired by Writer-Director Quentin Tarantino and his vast knowledge of exploitation cinema. Over the years, we have come to hear about so many films we never would have because of him. Look at any cult-exploitation DVD distributor today and you'll find out that half of their roster has films that were championed by Quentin himself for years. Our site's cracker-jack administrator and gracious host Sebastian Haselbeck met with Quentin on the set of his upcoming film Inglourious Basterds where he received a brand new list of Top 20 grindhouse theatrical classics which Quentin spent a considerable amount of time pouring over to come up with his definitive picks. The Deuce is very proud to bring you this special feature...

