Personal Lists featuring...

The Wandering Soap Opera 2017


Cinema Tropical, the leading presenter of Latin American cinema in the U.S., has compiled a list of the Top Ten Latin American Films of the Decade (2010-2019), based on a poll of 97 international film festival and cinemathèque programmers.

In total, 229 films representing 17 Latin American countries were nominated for the distinction of being Best of the Decade, demonstrating the high quality and diversity of films from the region.



By the end of 2019, The A.V. Club will have reviewed over 350 movies released this year. That’s a lot of movies—nearly one for every day on the calendar, in fact. But it’s nowhere near the total number that actually hit theaters or popped up on streaming platforms over the last 11 months. It certainly doesn’t account for the whole library of titles Netflix has fed into its content abyss (and recommendation algorithm) since January. This year, like any other, we ignored some cinema—including some really good cinema, slipping through the cracks in our review schedule, creating blind spots in our coverage. And so, an annual tradition: To atone for our oversights, we’ve looked back over the year in movies and identified the very best ones we neglected, creating an unranked shadow rundown of 2019’s finest. Did you also miss some of these unsung-by-us triumphs? Never fear: We’ve supplied info, where available, on how you can play catch-up with them—to gain a fuller vision of the year in movies than the one our critics on the beat offered week by week in 2019.


Spanish movie list for radarr
