Totally reccomend this one worths your time. 7.7/10

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This is exactly the kind of film that moves me. Equal parts simple and intentionally imperfect, focusing on an universal human experience of not knowing what the fuck we’re doing.

I do agree that I would have loved to have more of Julie being single - when she breaks up with Aksel she says that the big issue is that she doesn’t think she can stand on her own and that’s why they need to separate, only to then immediately enter into another relationship. I guess in the end we see that she has indeed found peace in herself, no appendices, but I think it would have been great to see more of that.

Above all, I relate heavily to Julie and am really glad this film exists.

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Like a man at a feminist parade, it tries hard but is more self-serving than it realizes.

Historically, movies were often centered around white males who were banal and self obsessed. Well, in these modern times, women now have their turn in this spotlight.

Julie is a 29 - 30 year old woman in Norway who can't make decisions and to whom nothing exciting ever happens, except resembling a lot of other heroines in a lot of other movies. Or maybe I'm just too old and have experienced all of these things in my life, repeatedly, and so don't need to see them reiterated back to me by a narcissistic stranger.

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it breaks what i expect from just a romantic drama movie, there were some creative shots i didn't expect..
plus the main actress ate up the screen, her character is very well written

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You’d think that, as a 28 year old who feels completely lost in life, this movie would have resonated with me more. I kept hearing people say this was a movie about a 30 year old who is lost in life and struggles with indecision. While I think that’s an accurate description of her character that’s not really what the movie is about. 

This isn’t really a story about a woman finding her way. It’s not even a story about her being lost in life. The main focus of the story is on her romantic relationships, which I had a very hard time caring about. She seems to have a hard time caring about about them too, which is why it’s weird that’s what the story focuses on. 

I was expecting to like this but it’s a boring glimpse into a girl (who just so happens to be lost) ’s “love” life. I wish it had focused more on her as an individual. 

Ended up being an absolute chore to watch.

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One of the things that I love about this movie is that it doesn't imply that any of the leads are necessarily the worst person in the world. Of course the title itself is an exaggeration as there is no worst person in the world. I think what the movie does so well is show that at different times we all (intentionally or not!) put our worst foot forward. I've dated people that thought I was the greatest guy in the world and others that would hang up if I called. The film asks us to think about the very nature of relationships. What do we owe the other person?

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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What a bunch of shitty takes here. Anyway, I loved this very much. It reminded me of the TV miniseries Normal People, which I also loved. The opening 10 minutes is just fantastic even though the tone has nothing to do with the rest of the movie, which will be disappointing to some.

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The title of this film is misleading. I can name at least four people worse than her.

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It is simply not easy sometimes to find your way and the meaning of your life.

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Now go watch the masterpiece known as Thelma.

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Joachim Trier makes one of his most bland films, tackles the main topics of relationships (Aksel's friends surrounded by children, as opposed to Eivind's friends flirting with hallucinogens), which delimit the generation gap in a very conventional way. The resistance of Julia to growth tries to provoke empathy, but ends up falling into the boring Norwegian obsession with motherhood as a sign of maturity.

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Terribly sad and thoughtful about life and love, but also some quirky and fantastical moments.

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Sometimes you remember that years have passed and you’ve had all these moments, relationships and decisions just happen. This movie captures that

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A good romance, perhaps a bit too long and slow in some passages. Not necessarily the most memorable among other European films like these.

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I really didn't expected a Norwegian movie would end with an english version of Águas de Março by Tom Jobim and Elis Regina.

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An unexpectedly sharp dramedy that skillfully delves into the challenges emblematic of the current 20-30-year-old middle class. While things might have gotten slightly manipulative during its final beats, the film as a whole remains finely balanced and funny throughout, speaking up for an existential condition that is often overlooked or misrepresented in mainstream entertainment.

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Shout by arf

the latter half is so good it's probably 9. the beginning kinda feel draggy and hard to watch

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a slice of the life of a person with narcissistic personality disorder. she gives up everything where she doesn't excel. she is unhappy with the success/prominence of her partners and happy with their failures and difficulties. all out of envy not being the center of attention.

uma fatia da vida de uma pessoa com transtorno de personalidade narcisista. ela desiste de tudo onde não se destaca. ela fica infeliz com o sucesso/destaque de seus parceiros e feliz com seus fracassos e dificuldades. tudo por inveja de não ser o centro das atenções.

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It really isn’t about the worst person in the world. It’s about figuring out who you are while being afraid you are the worst person in the world. This film has been nominated for 102 awards and has won 43 of them, from Oscars to Amandas. Most of the attention has been given to the writing, the lead actress and the film as a whole. And, though I agree with all the areas of attention, I’d like to highlight a piece of this film that fascinated me. There is a sequence when Julie is running through the streets of Oslo and the whole world around her is frozen in time. The coordination to make this sequence work is masterful. Although I wasn’t always comfortable with the graphic sexuality of the film, I found Julie’s search for herself, insightful and interesting. I give this film an 8 (great moviemaking) out of 10. [Slice of Life Drama].

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I'm like What The Heck?

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You go through life and a half with Julie.

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I believe this film does a wonderful job at capturing that late-20's anxiety. It's a period of your life where life becomes less limitless, and you begin to realize that the choices you make have long-term consequences. Julie seems to be weighed down by this.

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