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Theo Von: Regular People 2021

Film 144 (Goal: 300) of 2024:

I really do like Theo Von. Since finding him recently through some YouTube clips, and then hearing a portion of his podcast - I've enjoyed him and how he conducts himself. But this was the first time I had ever seen any clips of stand up from him.

This was a really good hour watch. I laughed multiple times and was interested to see where Theo was going next. His delivery is interesting, as it's very relaxed and full of colloquiums but this just adds to Theo's charm. There's a reason he's a growing success and while based off this, he doesn't leap into my favorite current stand ups, I'm interested to see what he does next and support him as does.

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After always seeing clips of Theo Von online and laughing a bunch, I was pretty excited to check out this stand-up. Unfortunately, the pacing of his set was rather up and down. Good jokes here and there, but for now he seems to be better to see one joke at a time.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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this ain't funny, you know

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