This movie was great because I fell asleep in the theater and had an amazing nap

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Yeah, it's big, dumb, and corny, but it's got a little bit of heart so I didn't half mind it.

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It's a good movie if you like horrible movies

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Its transformers, so you already know what you're getting. You don't complain at McDonald's when you order a McChicken and they serve you a McChicken.

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One of the worst transformers in the franchise. The acting is awful. The story is boring.

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The producers "lets bring a diversity cast this time maybe we can bring a new audience"
The audience" nah it's a crappy movie , no one asked for it to be made, maybe we will stream it if there's nothing else to see"

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Music track, Sound effects were good. Story and Plot, meh and old. The diaz and lady chemistry(they tried) was half baked and out of place. I still don't understand how one piece was in Sudan and other in Peru? and what was she doing in NY? wasn't she suppose to keep it safe, like other primates were trying to. Overall, if someone love autobots, they should watch just for the love and joy of seeing them in action.

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Got a refund and left 5 mins in after hearing "don’t forget to laugh at all their jokes. white people love that shit". I don't support racial remarks of any kind.

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The chimstury between Noah and Elena is non existent.

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I wanted Transformers. Instead I got Dumb and Dumber with guest appearances by Transformers.

I was bored the whole time. The story is stupid, most of the movie is filler, and they even copied everything they could from the Avengers. They even got an Iron Man.

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As this is mostly an equity movie, I can't see myself in it, I can't identify with it and all that woke nonsense the progressives spouted to get crap like this made. I am at 1 star and that's only because I couldn't give it 0

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Enjoyed the opening CGI scenes but as soon as we jumped to 1994 and the dialogue started I turned off.

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I can't believe it... What happened to that 200 million budget, really? Is there such inflation in the USA, or did someone just launder money heavily?
Mockery of the movie's name. It's clear that almost everyone watches the Transformers series for the effects, and while the effects were exceptionally impressive in the first 2, even 3 movies, the situation in this latest one is pathetic. Such cheap animations, lack of any details on the robots themselves, and the particles were also of such poor and low quality. The movie is simply a total waste, it left me speechless. And a rate of 3 is already too much for this. I won't even comment on the choice of the cast, because if I do, they'll delete my comment...

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Jesus this was the worst one yet, and thats not saying much. Time to call it a day.

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just watch the cartoon, this was a total mess!

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Gave it 32 mins. Pretty damn bad. Music sucks too. Typical BS. Poor acting, slow, overall boring snoozefest. I figured. Doesn't help not tied into previous films and none of the main previous star actors.

And the Porsche driving slower than some piece of crap Ford cop car from the 90s, give me a break.

Typical, trying to be funny and instead just lame.

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The acting could've been better.

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Movie is 100% pure garbage

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When I first knew about a Transformers' movie with the Maximals from 90s' "Beast Wars" I was really hyped but, unfortunately, the very essence of the advertised production - the Maximals - didn't have much time on-screen as they could/should.

Overall, the movie had a quite slow pace until the final fight at, roughly, the last 40 mins, which, my inner child expected to be somewhat more vibrant but, in the end, all we've got was A LOT of gray mixed together (robots, rubble, smoke, distant mountains...). Kinda hard to follow what was going on.

But even If you're not very much of a fan of the Transformers franchise, the (humans') hit-and-miss cast won't be a disappointment, and you're almost certain to have some good times watching.

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watch the original 1980s Movie with Unicron in it it was much better than this.

things I can think off that were bad/annoying about this movie
-too many cheesy lines
-not enough of Unicron destroying planets

-where was Galvatron?
-no Decepticons
-no Rodimus?
-why not use the Matrix to destroy Unicron?
-soundtrack was rubbish (Could have used at least some of the originals like)

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Basically like the others. How many hidden ancestral robot civilizations can there be on Earth ?

Some action, but I've never found any of the Transformers fights that great.

The make a dying robot into a human armor move is so stupid... If the actual living robot get defeated, what could a random human do ? Knowing that 1) he does not have any fighting capabilities, let alone against giant space robots, 2) he has no training on being inside a robot armor, doesn't know what it can do or how to operate it.

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I don’t understand how it’s possible to make a movie with so much action and such striking visuals be so thoroughly boring.

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Like the bayformers before it, way too much humans for a transformers movie. These people aren’t the goofy cartoonish humans of everything but Bublebee. They are stereotypes of the urban plight. And this movie wastes too much time on them. What we added in human depth we lost in the transformers they don’t act like themselves. And fake killing Bumblebee why we know he lives. If they explained how he came back I was so bored I missed it. At least with the other movies you could fast forward through stupid humans and watch cgi action of the transformers you remember. This one isn’t doesn’t even have that.

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Probably the worse so far, someone was really trying hard to check the diversity box for no reason. The dialogue between humans is bad. Not only is Elena an insufferable bitch, she's also ugly as hell.

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it's entertaining background tv. people seeking quality and something meaningful out of a franchise have forgotten that we're in late stage capitalism i think

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A robot movie with less screen time than 2 dudes that are hideous at the screen. Terrible movie ,also they are going to ruin other universes too. Midas shit touch Hollywood

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Wanted to see more of the maximals. They only transformed once. Where are the decepticons? My only complaint is i wanted more lol. I liked the ending too

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A fun film, with some cool scenes involving robots. It was good that they did a reboot to restart the story, because before it was a mess. This time, it seems like they are following a better plan. Overall, it's a fun film, with good scenes and a generic story, but without many holes, which still makes it interesting. I liked it, it didn't pay so much attention to the classic characters and added new ones. However, I didn't really like the fact that it focused so much on humans instead of the fights between robots, which are more interesting. The idea of putting a human fighting alongside the robots I also found a little strange.

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I didn't expect to enjoy watching it but I did. I don't like the Michael Bay Transformer movies, but this was enjoyable. I enjoyed it more than Bumblebee. I'm still upset that they made the robots look so ugly, but other than that it was good.

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Transformers: Infinity War
I liked it a lot. I love Iron man- I mean Optimus Prime.

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So uh yeah it's Transformers and things transform

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It is Transformers, for better or worse. It does not have the surprising charm of Bumblebee, or the newness of the original. It does have quality actions, giant beasts/robots, and is a full-blown cinema experience (even if the plot leaves much to be desired)!

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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Ok for a nights entertainment but the robots were better actors compared to the people.

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5years later and the movie is an absolute crap. Incredibly, the transformations are so much lesser in feeling and impression than the first two movies, where frames were super expensive.

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7

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Sad, if you’re a transformers fan! I think they need a reboot and really get into the war on Cybertron and to show why Optimus and Megatron became enemies.

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I would much rater see a straightformers movie, than this piece of garbage.

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Garbage. Got sick of Optimus whining about allying with humans. But when Bumblebee go harder then Prime it's a wrap

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The best transformers movie I've seen in a while

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The plot has become increadibly boring

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I had fun, not too shabby

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Enjoyed the movie, but kid's acting cringe. Great story, impressive cast, and visuals. Recommended despite the flaw.

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I loved the other Transformer's movies but definitely not this one. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

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My hopes were crushed at the ending! was hoping they would return to Cybertron for a full on Cybertron war.

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It's pretty good but don't expect to see the beasts much

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The best next to Bumblebee and the first Michael Bay Transformers. Which isn’t saying a lot since the movie has its corny moments.
The Transformers get more to do than just blow shit up and feel more like characters than they did in the Michael Bay sequels. The movie feels more like the cartoon series. Though some lines are so cheesy that yes they felt like they came straight from the show.
The movies are finally figuring out what works. Which is sad since critics and probably even some fans are tired of Transformers after 4 brainless Transformer sequels.

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Transformers, "Wakanda Forever" edition! :joy:

Seriously. Just stop with the virtue signalling! :rolling_eyes:

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Boring, dumb, woke. If we need to make everything diverse to meet bipoc quotas, let's at least use actors from the thousands of amazing, diverse actors out there. Instead we keep getting our lead movies headlined by b-grade background supporting actors and it just makes for bad entertainment over and over again.

The old days of chemistry of any sort also seem to be gone, with just terrible script writing where you have these white likely Jewish script writers (which make up most of the writers in major Hollywood productions by the numbers alone) trying to write "urban" roles and failing hard.

And to address the trolls, no woke doesn't have anything to do with the color of skin, lgbt, social issues or hating anyone. It has to do with forcing concepts in some cases including the above, at the expense of the quality of the production, which doesn't need to happen if you hire good actors and good writers. We keep getting misses usually on both.

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If you like forced diversity, female robots and cgi, then this film is for you. I don't, couldn't get pass the 30 minutes mark, so it's automatically 1/10.

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One of the best Transformers without a doubt. They left the best for last, that revelation, great projects are coming.

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please tell me they are not doing a future GI JOE transformers crossover!

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This was less terrible than several other of the Transformer movies. I did not dislike this as much as I thought I would.

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The first Transformers movie back in the day was really impressive. I watched it again, not long ago and it still holds up. This reboot is total garbage..
The CGI isn't as good as the first. The story is weak. The dialogue is awful. The characters, human and digital have no depth. You never become invested in the film.
The film holds your hand all the way through. We are doing this, because of this and the result is that. I got up left it playing and came back and missed nothing.
It's one of those franchises where you watch the first and walk away. Highlander is the same. Amazing first movies but the rest is garbage.
I gave it a 4 but it's probably not worth that..

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To be honest the story didn’t really grab me…it felt generic with plot holes full of cliche moments…but I do like Transformers which is why it didn’t get a lower rating :)

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Cheesy racial stereotypes with subpar acting and good CG.

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if u don't like this shit I don't trust u

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Maybe with some different main characters - with a lot less ''brooklyn, yeah baby''-vibes - this could have a better movie. Or at least some actors who can act. Woke-broke-etc.
Also strongly dislike what they did to Wheeljack.
And the whole dinobots whose origin story got totally raped into "maximals" sucks too. I was looking forward to Grimlock and the others.
This was quite disappointing.
Stratosphere was probably one of the few good things about this movie.
The only good casting done here was Pete Davidson as Mirage. He really fits with that character.
Arcee didnt really strike me at all, so cant comment.
Funny that I didnt even recognise Petre Dinklage and Ron Perlman's voices. Michelle Yeoh was very obvious.
All in all : huge disappointment.
After Bumblebee I thought they had finally 'got it'. Seems not.

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Not nearly as good as the heartfelt Bumblebee, but an enjoyable ride all the same. With some surprises I had never seen coming. I do hope they bring back Travis Knight for the next one though, or at least let him design the bots. The transformer designs were a bit lacking this go around.

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Totally wasted cybertronian sparkle. Maximals next to autobots, optimums prime vs optimus primal, such a massive story of beast wars smashed and squized into the wreck and woke sht everywhere. Like really guys? You need to stick every black and Latino person /preferably gay, but smart and underrated in his/her job/ in every single movie? This woke propaganda is already boring as heck.

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I won't even comment about the questionable taste behind the entire franchise. Frankly, I don’t think translating this movie to another franchise could have made it any better. Extraordinarily dull and lacking any semblance of ambition whatsoever, written with the same level of effort of a Saturday morning cartoon. It’s not even a "so bad it's good” – just an apologetically drab piece of entertainment.

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Worst film in the transformers franchise. Seriously CGI is bad plus far to much CGI. The story is poorly written and executed.

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Worst movie ever in this series....

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A fine addition to the franchise that unfortunately doesn't really do much to further the stories already told. That said, I won't ever get tired of hearing Peter Cullen's voice as Optimus Prime.

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A 5 if not for the ending. The last battle scene just dragged and dragged. Maybe to sell the video game, but for the movie, it made it start to suck.

There were none of the jokes that you would expect. It was too serious, like overkill serious. The few jokes were so limited that it just seemed to make it that much harder to bear. Almost turned it off, but that I stayed for the ending.

4 if your expecting a lot of the laughs normally in the transformers movies.
5 probably overall.
6 if you fast forward through the last battle scene.

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It wasn't great but it had some pretty cool moments. Worth watching for home entertainment at least. The worst part for me is the CGI, it was soooooo bad.

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Worst of the series, major disappointment.

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It is a trivial children cartoon, with the usual silly and predictable plot. The action sequences of the (cartoonish) robots fighting were not really interesting, other movies depict them in more realistic terms.

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Despite really loving the cast, it was just another boring ass Transformers film for me.

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Shout by Deleted

Too diversen actually. Meh. Didn't enjoy this one. It's as bad as the Wahlberg movies and Transformers 3.
Makes you appreciate Bumblebee even more.

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Watched this movie in installments in three days. This should explain what kind of movie this is.
Too bland and tasteless. The movie is generic at best. The action sequences are better but some things in the movie require explanation. For me, these just happen.

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The worst transformers movie I’ve seen.. it was kind of weird also that they made the fight scene a lot like Avengers Endgame .. we almost shouted ‘Assemble’ :joy:.. I wouldn’t bother watching it to be honest.

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Soundtrack was exquisite and the rest was trash. I honestly do not know how you can make the same mistakes yet again, while also desecrating one of the best source material (Transformers: The Movie and Beast Wars) in Transformers history.

Sorely disappointed, live action adaptations are all trash, even tho the first one was "decent" at best.

TL;DR Better watch Transformers: The Movie (1986) - you'll get better story, characters, soundtrack, literally everything.

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Shout by Marcus Ziadé

Worst one in the series

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To be bad, they must have at least one script. STOP TRYING TO BE THE RIGHTEOUS, this is a movie, is to be enjoied not hated.

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Too bad they can’t get someone who can write a decent script. Time to just reboot and go back the beginning. Show them actually fighting to get off cybertron and going to earth.

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This is a fun, action-packed movie with epic robot fights and likable human characters. The plot is a bit convoluted, but overall it's a great movie for fans of the franchise.

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It's Transformers. What else do you need to know? Either you're a fan or you're not. The worst thing about these movies for me are: 1) way too much CG going on - visually there is just so much to see, you simply can not see it all and 2) so much audio - its just a cacophony of sounds. and finally 3) Optimus Prime sure does complain a lot. But other than that it's a fun movie. Now - GET OFF MY LAWN!

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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It felt kind of childish, like a Disney movie. I'd have probably liked it if I was 15. I'm really disappointed. Also Optimus Prime and the Autobots were a joke through the whole movie, but the end. I expected much more than this. I still like the first trilogy most of all the movies in the franchise. I like that it was set in the 90s though. I love the 90s.

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Obviously it’s not great but surprisingly I had a good time. They kept it tight and didn’t padded the runtime.

The story was quite thin but I think Ramos and Fishback was solid, especially Ramos I hope to se more of.

How this movie fit in with the others I don’t know but the teaser in the end I have nothing against.

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Great movie. Had a fun time. Dialogues were sometimes cheesy like the other transformers movies but the writing was funny and made sure the characters weren’t diverse for the sake of it. The action was well done too, you never get bored. Excited from the tease at the end

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Bumblebee was excellent. The last 'Bayformers' lost their way. This sequel to Bumblebee puts one foot in both worlds and unsurprisingly comes out somewhere in between. It kind of has the feel of the first Transformers film, and that's a good thing. The 'mystery adventure' is a little railroaded, which is a shame, but most of the things that worked in Bumblebee carry over, thankfully. Transformers films, ironically, live or die on their human side and whilst neither are Hailee Steinfeld levels of brilliant (to be fair, that's a hard act to follow). Dominique Fishback doesn't do anything wrong, just her character is a little extraneous after the first act. Antony Ramos brings it, though.

All in all, I didn't expect it to hit the same level as Bumblebee, so I wasn't disappointed, Rise of the Beasts was pretty much exactly what I was anticipated. And hey, I had all the Maximal toys as a kid, so I wasn't going to hate it, no matter what.

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likeable cast, but lost me in the final act. could have been much better

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This was an amazing jump start for the franchise. The mid credit scene was whoaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Shout by BK

A thrilling spectacle! The Autobots and Maximals join forces against a menacing threat. Explosive action, stunning visuals, and an engaging story make this a must-see for fans. Prepare to be wowed!

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amazing very funny and guaranteed action the protagonists are the Transformers, it keeps you glued, I feel that 2 hours are very short I need more highly highly recommended go see it.

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Six points gave Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and the transformed Cheetor , which are all super cool.

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This movie does a lot of obvious things but does them in a decent way, there are a lot of dumb things as well but some fun crowd pleasing moments. I thought Bumblebee was a psyop, so Rise of The Beasts it is!

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I think this is an enjoyable film with enough action and comedy that if you like Transformers, then you will also like this movie. Of course, this lacks the action and scope that the Bay films had and the human connection the Bumblebee movie had, thus this felt like a more generic robot fighting movie than those. The lack of Maximals was also unfortunate, but I still enjoyed watching this.

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I watched a pre-release screening of this film, this afternoon. My expectations didn’t go much beyond enjoying some buttered popcorn and a comfortable UltraAVX theatre seat, but I was pleasantly surprised with what might be a reimagining of the franchise (stick to the end to see what might be a new direction for the future). I go to movies for character development (with solid performances), interesting relationships and captivating premises. One does not go to a TRANSFORMERS movie for those things (although BUMBLEBEE hit some of those marks, for me). People go for ACTION>ACTION>ACTION. This movie had lots of that, but, it also had some interesting nuances (am I really using that word in a TRANSFORMERS review?). It had a predominant premise - survival; it also seeded some interesting clues for the future, but I won’t spoil what may be to come. From the ACTION fans, you probably will get an 8 or 9 rating. From my perspective, I would give it a 7 (good popcorn, interesting things to come) out of 10. [Action Adventure] In theatres tomorrow

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I just finished watching the early access screening, they had introduced new concepts, good graphics, acting was fine, sort of!

There is a surprise at the end of the movie with a possible 2 franchises merging, I am not gonna spoil it, lol! That is why it is worth watching it.

The story is fine, I always have an issue with Transformers storyline, since they ditched the original actors and rebooted the entire series, but I think now we finally going somewhere.

Enjoy your movie, it is gonna be out tomorrow :)

Big thanks to Cinemark for today!!

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Like finding a hair in your Big Mac, overall it's pretty good but some aspects are a real turn off.

Good for a Transformers movie but for all of the fun of car robots, animal robots with fur growing out of their steel (Maximals? Seriously? Optimus Primal? Really? When Optimus Primate was right there?) are just fucking ridiculous, plus the vast amount of cheese in the dialog gave me a stomach ache and made me fart a lot.

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