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Voyage of the Chimera 2021

Really good result for a 20K budget. Acting is a little wooden, but it’s not the worst I’ve seen, and it’s no worse than watching a bunch of cgi characters. I’d like to see more of this, or a remake.

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Ok so I like the premise and the story 8/10.
However the actors are BAD, the camera work sucks, the writing and character interaction feels forced and blocky.

Absolutely sucks, and I’m forcing myself to watch it just because I started it.

For the minuscule budget for this film, feels like they all bought weed with the budget, say around smoking it, grabbed a budget handy-cam and took turns reading off a script in a back ally somewhere with cardboard and floodlights then whipped up a bit of computer generated “ship” stuff and called it a day.

This concept needs to be remade with a 50-100 million budget, good actors, good directors, etc.

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