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Zombie Town 2023

Watched only for the sake of Chevy Chase and Dan Aykroyd. Regards to the old guns but this is terrible.

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As an elder millennial, I have been hardwired to love all things Goosebumps. Plus this has Dan Aykroyd! Recipe for fun afternoon.

This movie is about 35 minutes too long. It has some fun campy parts but it doesn’t have enough charm. I loved Lando. He’s hysterical. Amy, played by young Sarah Jessica Parker(I jest but looks like her), is the most annoying character. She’s unbearable (and my threshold for annoyance by those lacking frontal lobes is pretty high). I guess that means the actress did a great job because man does she pull it off.

This didn’t quite capture the Scholastic Bookfair or the ‘90s TV show nostalgia. I wasn’t expecting anything brilliant, but maybe I had underlying hope because of the brilliance of the Goosebumps show that released last year…

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Terrible awful waste of time. Don't bother.

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Seeing RL Stine’s name be attached to a zombie movie in October? Sign me up. Chevy Chase and Dan Arkroyd be attached? HELL YES! Then you turn on the movie and it’s not good…at all. I’m sad I wasted my time on this one.

Rating: 0.5/5 - 45% - Skip

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Yeah…this was bad. And not in a good way. Watch quickly, check it off your zombie list, and MOVE ON!

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:heart: x6
This is quite a silly Zombie movie. I didn't really like it, but kids might.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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