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5000 Days in Wunderland

  • 1h 37m
  • Germany
  • German
  • 2gt* Medienproduktion + 1 more, MedienManufakturMünchen
  • Documentary
From the Idea to the Largest Model Railway in the World
HOW AN IDEA TURNED INTO THE WORLD’S LARGEST MODEL LAYOUT What started as a crazy idea about 14 years ago is now a fascination for millions of people from around the globe. On this 2-disc DVD you’ll learn how it all began. Join the founders of the Miniatur Wunderland on an exciting discovery trip with shooting locations all over Germany and Switzerland. Where did Frederick Braun come up with the idea to build such a layout? You’ll find out here. Have you ever wondered how model figures are made? We’ll explain it to you. Experience an unusual view from the inside of a bridge and marvel at exclusive shots that show how it all began.

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