I love it when Melissa busts out "youse."

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Another sound season finale…damn shame our 2 didn’t become 1 :pensive:

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Ngl, at this point I'm much more interested in the Gregory-Jacob friendship than the Janine-Gregory romance, eventhough that was really good in this episode. But I didn't like how unkind Melissa was at the museum, any time the show is trying to be funny by being like that it loses its charm. Also I hope Mr. Johnson doesn't leave, or else I'll riot

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A phenomenal finale of a stellar sophomore season. Nailed it.

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2/2 on season finales!
I just wish Janine and Gregory got together already ugh. Don’t get me wrong I loved the development that we got in this episode, but the way Gregory looked so hurt pained me sososo much:( I do gotta say that the friendship that has been developing between Gregory and Jacob (especially in this episode) has been so satisfying, it was so heartwarming when Jacob went in for a “bro-hug” just for them to end up actually hugging each other properly

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Oh no, what happened there? :(

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You're telling me now I have to wait until FALL???

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chris perfetti you are slaying

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