Lots to unpack here. First of all I got pretty emotional when Sam was reading Elsa's list at the aquarium. That coupled with so many moments this episode just highlight how filled with love this show is. And that's a beautiful thing.
Second, Casey and Izzie. This really isn't as cut and dry as people might realise. Something is happening which she doesn't want to be true. To the point of having to drive out of town and sit in a car to feel comfortable enough even broach the subject. Also to try and bury her feelings by progressing her relationship with Evan to a point she might not otherwise.

He's an amazing guy, that much is true. But some things can't be ignored. And unless she makes a decision before it goes too far with Izzie... She'll be faced with being more like her mother than she wants to be.

That handhold progression was fantastic and all too real. This show is great in so many ways. Really can't wait for season 3.

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Wow, what an episode, what an ending. The character development of everyone, oh I just love this. I need more!

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Noooo I didn't realise as I was watching that this was the finale episode! I was eagerly awaiting the next episode with Sam's lock-in and Casey/Izzie unfolding etc. Damn, what a cliffhanger!
Such an easy show to watch and brilliant in so many ways. Bring on the next season!

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What a great episode. It made me cry several times.

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you know what... i do love a gay awakening!

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I knew it with Cassie and Izzie from the first time.

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Shout by Chilkara

YES!!! Casey and Izzie <3 they just fit.

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I need more. Like a thousand more.

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I'm revisiting this episode after a few months I finished this show, felt exactly the same way I felt before. this show is a masterpiece! I just love every bit of it.

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