An interesting piece of old cinema and the first time showing Batman in cinema.

It's an archaic form of Batman, but it's decent as a 1940s version.

A large part of the episode is actually about the characterization of the villain, which i like.

There is some racism here though, with it being 1943 when America was engaged in a war with Japan, and some bits felt like propaganda. But most of the episode is a standard sci-fi plot, and it was surprisingly engaging. Especially when the bad guys changed the license plate and color of the car, i thought that was really clever, and that kind of move could easily still be in modern day stories.

Upon reading the wiki, i didn't know some of the standard elements orignated from this serial like the bat cave, the look of Alfred, and the grandfather clock to unlock a secret entrance.

There were some funny moments too like Batman getting his ass kicked by 3 normal henchman.

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