Shout by Andrew Bloom

Well, at least the Space Starfish teaser looks promising. (Though then again, so did that Equinox fellow, and we saw how that turned out.)

But as for the actual Captain Marvel business, it didn't really work for me. Normally when the show gets into this level of Silver Age-esque weirdness, there's a semi-comedic bent to it, or at least a certain winking quality even if there's not any real gags or punchlines. But outside of the cheesy british villain kids, they more or less played this one straight, and it was too ridiculous to pull off. At its best, Brave and Bold can be sort of a tongue-in-cheek riff on Super Friends-style stories. But this was Super Friends-esque without any sort of wrinkle or twist to it, and that just made it dull.

I did appreciate how Captain Marvel had those beady little eyes that made him look like an old school comics character, but otherwise, this was a whole lot of tiresome nothing, with Batman barely involved.

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