want to keep watching this but Erika low key annoys me too much. She reminds me of the parts of myself I don't like strangely enough: (I say strangely because she's not hard to like, or even that neurotic.)

~has only 2 settings- disinterest or obsession
~Either oversharing or undersharing with others
~Half the time very confident spontaneous the other half insecure shy
~Almost never serious at the same time always serious
~Aggressively caring but not wanting to be clingy
~People pleaser but also a rebel
~Lets ones emotions overpower oneself to ones extreme annoyance
~Runs in a hundred different directions at once
~Has to go to Mars and back to reach a simple conclusion others arrive at instantly. About. Everything.

Buffy also has all these qualities but her I don't mind having commonalities with as much.

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