Man this show! First I like Khalil, then I hate Khalil, then I like Khalil, now I hate Khalil. Hate or not though, dude is bad mfin ass! I know everyone favorite characters are Jen and Anyssa, and they are great, but to me Jefferson and Henderson make the show. Maybe it's because I'm old as f like them, but I identify with their humanity. Neither knows exactly what to do about the occupation but both know they gotta protect their community. I know they butt heads but they need to squash that shit and work together. Oh and am I the only one who thinks Jefferson would easily make Painkiller his bitch? Painkiller gotta touch him right? Black Lightning can fly and shoot lightning from his hands! Just keep back and burn that mf down!

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I’m not understanding why no one recognizes Khalil. Gambi had to use a computer program to be sure?!?!? Lol

Glad dude stood up to Jenn and kicked her ass out. lol she be getting away with too much lip. doesn’t talk to peeps with enough respect in my opinion. She needs a humbling a$$ whooping like Black Lightning and Thunder have experienced. Hahaha

Rev Holt sure did turn on Black Lightning quick. haha

Lol @ Jefferson acting’s surprised Grace recognized him. negro everyone should be recognizing you!! haha

Oh snap Black Lightning vs Khalil up next!! Should that even be a match though?? Khalil would have to be like a ninja to get one up on BL. all he would have to do is shock him. He can’t be immune to that.

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