8.8/10. Another superb episode. Tina trying to experience romance through her mostly disinterested nursing home buddy was an exercise in classic Tina idealism. The way that the rest of the family got into it, and it unspooled into a mystery about whether the admiral's letter was actually a scheme by her money-grubbing nephew went into some interesting narrative territory, and the fact that Tina and her siblings went to such lengths to keep their suspicions from the old lady were great.

The B-story with Bob getting run ragged by his new avant garde chef friends was a lot of fun as well. The cross between Bob's desire to have his cuisine appreciated and accepted by the fancy people, and his inability to keep up with their hard partying lifestyle led to some great moment, and even tied into the A-story nicely.

Plus, lots of good laughs. Linda trying to unravel Gene and Louise's opposite day bit had me in stitches. Teddy was in rare form as well, and the kids trading bits of witty banter is always fun and was especially well done in this episode. Lots to love about this one.

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