[6.9/10] Solid episode. Neither the A-story nor the B-story blew me away, but both weren’t bad.

I like Linda initially being enthused to get more involved with the PTA, only to realize that the head of it was embezzling and work to take her down. The gags didn't really bring out the laughs for me (except for Linda’s PTA friend, who was a hilarious side character), but her enlisting her rival to save the day for the good of the organization was a nice, mature move from Linda.

The B-story with Bob hurting a local hardware store owner’s feelings over a missing bird was a pretty undercooked subplot, but inoffensive at worst. Bob’s faltering attmepts to make amends were worht a chuckle here and there, and he and Teddy making things worse in their attempts to replace the dead bird was a nice beat to end on. Plus the kids playing with a pipe of all things was a perfectly amusing C-story (if it’s even substantial enough to call it that.

Overall, a little light on laughs, but a decent episode.

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