Great ending. And best episode of the season by far : for once nothing felt a bit rushed.
Solid season tho. Looking forward for more.

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I was SOOOOO hoping that when Madi picked up the phone, the whole house would blow up and we could finally be rid of her. I can't express my hatred and disgust of an actor any more than that. She has been the very worst of this season. Every time she's on screen it's repulsive with her only Pained-Scrunch-Face look. To the writers: Please kill off Madi as soon as possible. Even between seasons will be better. Just write it into the story without having to watch her struggle with that dead in the eyes face again.
The rest of the show was great. Especially liked having more of Mo and exploring his character.

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So, was there a clue in the previous episodes as to why Mo Bassi knew she was an FBI Agent? Since he entered the autodelete on the drive and other precautions he must have either suspected or be paranoid enough to suspect the possibility. But if he suspected it why go along with the charade and get involved? Was it just all for that sweet sweet pussy (being upset about going into the friendzone seems to indicate as such).

The seasons wrapped up too nicely for all involved - except for that cliffhanger but we know why that's there.

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