Shout by Patrick

Definetlely the best episode so far this season. I liked Mizusawa's character arc of being someone who originally put up facades, never being honest about himself and striving for what he really wants, just controlling a character. And him abandoning the mask he's put up and genuinally going for what he wants, which rn seems to be a relaitonmship with Aoi, was a great conclusion for Misu. Aoi is alot like Mizu, in the sense that she puts up masks and isnt genuine about who she is, but even when she "dropped her mask" she simply put up another one, maintaining the Aoi facade she's built up for her social status and improvements. Aoi's worldview treats human connections as taska and objectives, not somethiung to sincerly strive for, and these values of hers lead to Tomozaki creating a mask of his own, isntead of Tomo being geniune about what he wants. It sucks these clashign worldviews ended up with Tomozaki and Aoi no longe rbeing together, with Tomozaki wanting to be sincere, not put up masks and treat relationships in such an emotionless way.

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