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Breeders: Season 3

3x02 No Worries

The Paul-Luke situation comes to a resolution, or sorts. For now.
The Paul-Gabby thing develops a bit. Is that going somewhere? I hope not.
Ally gets bad news, work-related, and some of the best scenes are devoted to Ava, growing up and feeling alone. Powerful.


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Honestly spent most the episode thinking Paul's lucked out in this whole situation in the end.

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Writing has been pretty well developed this season. For example, when Ava takes the items, with all that Ally was going through, I thought Ally would discover it and it would send her over the edge. The writing thankfully doesn't fall into that trope and we get something that works out better for Ava.

Ally's still a major pain. Honestly, it's a hard sell for me to want to see Paul back with her, especially with how great the new character is. Even Luke almost was bearable this episode.

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