Shout by JasperKazai

Oho, yet another "teen girl is pregnant but she had no idea" story. Does that actually happen often? Because TV shows would make you think so.
Everything being all happy at the end, and the teen naming the baby Gabby, was eye-rollingly lame.

Lmao, yet again with the people being rescued being assholes and attacking the firefighters. What is with Chicago? Although the guy threatening with the gun when Matt was trying to leave at least makes a tiny bit of sense... but hitting Matt earlier for not being fast enough was stupid.

Matt acting like an angry child was annoying. He wasn't even the one who was all that invested in Louie... I'd expect that behavior from Gabby, not Matt. But I guess they didn't want to provide even more reasons to hate her.
Oh, come on, why would the ring he bought for Gabby but never used be in a random drawer of the guest bedroom (that was then turned into Louie's bedroom)? That makes zero sense.

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They just had to find a way to drag out this adoption bullshit by making Casey act irrational .

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