Oh man, seriously? Tory turning against them? Shocking!!! (Not).
I’m so tired of her bulshit.

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Okay, I have a LOT of questions. How is Kreese able to travel between multiple countries so easily when he is a recent prison escapee? Has the show forgotten that Tory has a younger brother? Why is there no fallout to Devon putting laxatives in Kenny's water? Speaking of Kenny, where was he in this episode? Did he poop himself out of the show? I was expecting to see him alongside Tory and Kreese at the end. Why is Miguel pinning all of his hopes on Stanford when safety schools exist? And yet, despite all of this, I was still entertained; this show is truly a unique animal.

Daniel, it's not a huge surprise that you don't know everything about Mr. Miyagi. He was an adult when you met him; of course he had a whole life before you came into it! I am curious to see where this storyline goes from here, though, especially given what was discovered.

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Predictable. Why are they always doing this with Torey? Better script - and better lessons - would be to fight through the demons with a rematch for team captain then the team goes with Torey as captain. Guess they had to find a reason to add Hawk on the team again.

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Who also thinks Kenny will rejoin Cobra Kai, just like Tory? :thinking:

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Should have ended with season 5. So far more predictable than normal, same old rinse and repeat. Lasted 5 minutes of episode 5 was so overly disappointing and predictable.

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For Three movies and six seasons LaRusso is still a jackass

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The last 60 seconds. Holy crap!!!

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Shout by LadyQ

Oke so why did no one check in on Tory after she ran away! Johnny said it himself he knows what she is going through why did he not run after her or stand up to Danny more for her to keep fighting. Maybe not fighting Sam right now but he could have stepped in and she could have pummeled him to get it out of her system. And what about her boyfriend! Her mom just f*cking died and he can't be bothered to run after her to comfort her, it was strange she went to kreese after what he did but no one was looking out for her so I get it

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Shout by Gusa

The Tory-drama is what the show needed, but using that to turn Tory against Miyagi-Do AGAIN irritates me. Just like the undercooked story to bring Kreese back, this just feels repetitive. So far this season lacks originality for me and loses itself in creating drama around the same characters too much. With predictability as a result. Will they turn Tory from bad to good again in the second half of the season? I hope they won't, but I'm afraid they will.

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That's what I call completely a legendary Twister plot, holy shit, man

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