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Season 4

It was a great ending for the series. kkk sort of

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they definitely lost the plot a bit in the middle there (mid s3 to a good half of s4) but they mostly stuck the landing so it all evens out. but jeez, kiera really sacrificed everything didn’t she. like she’s back in her time but she’s a double and her only ‘true’ family now is old!alec. and whoever else is alive and remembers her, i guess. bittersweet. she held onto the dream of her husband and kid for so long and now she doesn’t even get to have that. had i been in her position i think id start fresh. that or corner kiera-2 in a dark alley, choke her out and take her place lol. kiera-1 is the reason she has her life and fair is fair afterall:joy:. they didn’t take the time travel overly serious but they also didn’t leave (too much) logic by the wayside. a good balance of entertainment and sci-fi technicality. really fun and for a while there, super tight writing. going to miss this show and i can’t wait to rewatch. season one especially, that was damn near flawless.

3.7 stars

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The fight for the future comes to an end in Continuum’s limited 6-episode fourth season. Responding to Tonkin’s time beacon, a group of elite soldiers from the future arrive on a secret mission and team-up with Kellog; meanwhile, Kiera, Alec, and Liber8 come together to stop Kellog and prevent the dark future he creates. The writers do a good job at changing the character dynamics as Kellog becomes the main villain and Fonnegra takes over as the new head of the VPD. However, they kind of regress Cameron’s character a bit; giving her an obsession with returning home, despite having seen firsthand that the future’s been changed and coming to realize that the Continental Congress was an oppressive police state. Still, the action scenes are exciting and action-pack, and the special effects are pretty good as well. And the series finale does a nice job at wrapping up the show. Season 4 of Continuum provides a fitting conclusion to this thought-provoking series about time, freedom, and destiny.

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