5.5/10. Not my favorite episode. There was nothing so terrible in it, but it was mostly just kind of dull. The "Three Stories" conceit can work well in a Halloween context (The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror series has proven that), but it also requires some deft storytelling to make a tale feel both compelling and complete in a five minute chunk. Casting our usual heroes in the roles helps as a shortcut there, but there still just wasn't much creative or interesting about the ghost stories. They felt like pretty standard-issue "tales to scare!" fodder without much of the satirical twist or sarcastic humor that makes this show shine.

Still, it had its high water marks. A frustrated Jake is always a treat in my book, and seeing the show's visual take on transporting its characters through different decades was fun. But on the whole, this one was fairly slight and inessential, which is fine, but didn't have enough of a creative or comedic twist on the horror material to make up for that on the other end.

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