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Dark Matter: Season 1

1x03 The Box

A multimillion dollar company, with a team of several people working on the same project, yet only ONE of them knows how to operate the box? Riiiight...

Also, I really wish they'd stop with the Nintendo Switch finger snap every time they swap realities, it's getting terribly annoying, by now.

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I hope “our” Jason and Amanda are in another (third) universe, because it would be hard to explain why the box connects only two specific universes.

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Why are the writers making every character out to be so dumb? Especially the people on "the other side"

These guys know exactly what the box does, — they know it sends them to another multiverse, — and they still never even came up with even the POSSIBILITY of this not being the same guy until now?? Lord have mercy...

And the conclusion they arrive at? Him being an impostor who "did" something to their version is COMPLETELY BONKERS if they spent a single brain cell remembering the initial return-interview.

And no one other than him knows how to use the box? Billions of dollars invested, and the project only existed in one mans brain???

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The most dumb quantum physicist ever just until this episode they start to suspect that they have the wrong Jason, unbelievable!

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He was pretty good in this episode. Things are starting to get complicated. They reflected the parallel universe very well. The pace of the series is also quite good. In short, I liked it and it looks like it will become one of my favorites at this rate. And sometimes there are very small details on the wall, sometimes on the box. Watch carefully.

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The show will be alot better without all the inconsistencies.

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Every time they switch between universes/Jasons they play the sound effect from Nintendo Switch commercials.

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i dont need a box for the party situation. i have these problems in conversation constantly.

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I haven't read the book, so I have no idea what they are talking about most of the time. 3 episodes in and It's frustratingly too mysterious. I would dump it by now if I weren't a fan of the two leads.

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