Personal Lists featuring...

Digimon Adventure 20th Memorial Story 2019


Scripted anime TV shows I've watched or started to watch.


Animación Japonesa.
Dragon Ball, Goblin Slayer, Overlord, Danamchi, Caballeros del Zodiaco, Accel World, Naruto, Mazinger Z, Bleach, Slam Dunk, Los Supercampeones, Samurai X, Robotech, Death Note, Ataque a los Titanes, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Tokyo Ghoul, Inuyasha, Hellsing, Neon Genesis Evangelion, BTOOOM!, Gantz, Devil May Cry, Berserk, Yu yu hakusho, Zoids, Principe del Tenis, Las Guerreras Magicas, Cowboy bebop, Hajime No Ippo, Inuyasha.


Mijn anime films en series lijst.
Ik ben vooral fan van mecha dus dat genre komt het meeste voor


I've split certain titles to match My Anime List's definition of a separate entry where applicable (mostly shows I ended up dropping after a season or two).
