Goodbye Kakarotto, hope to see u soon again :')

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This episode was great. The comment from the Grand priest about zen-o going to erase everybody if a selfish wish was made had my jaw on the floor as well.. not to mention beerus telling Wis to bring Friza back to life

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Hopefully we'll see you soon after the new movie Goku! So many new universes to explore, so many great team ups to go to, want to see more of Freeza and Goku together. Really, really liked that part. 17 the MVP! Damn, Super was entertaining! Really entertaining. Can't get enough of Dragon Ball, might not be the greatest in quality and stuff but it always, always entertains me.

See you soon Goku!

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The ending was kind of predictable, excepting maybe Whis resurrecting Freeza. Still, the final battle was enjoyable and entertaining.
Really excited that Dragon Ball will more than probably continue in another series. Maybe the next movie will create an appropriate link between the ending of DBS and the beginning of the next unannounced Dragon Ball show.

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Incredible Series and final episode

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Técnicamente estos 3 últimos capítulos se cuentan entre lo mejor de todo Dragon Ball, sin embargo el final no satisfará al fan de siempre de la serie. Una pequeña decepción.

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