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Dublin Murders

Season 1

decent-if-not-spectacular noir-esque show with mostly strong acting across the board that was really let down in the back half by introducing those super-annoying college kids and having them take up so much screen time

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what happened to the kids in the woods was a mistery on episode 1, and a mystery on episode 8. That was the main plot, the season ended and no one knows. The only survivor screaming, hugging a tree, the shoes filled with blood... was just a lure that writers didn't bother to untangle. Solution - Amnesia...or wolfs! for **** sake

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What a fantastic first season! Based on my first-hand memories, it started a bit slow with the first three or so episodes but picked up with every following episode. Now that I've completed watching it, I may feel differently. I may consider the first three episodes to have been just as good. Anyway, like I said and started with, this was a fantastic first season.

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